Omega carefully moved her head from behind Five's leg to meet his eyes. Omega couldn’t help but focus on Rex's eyes. While every clone had the same eyes: same generic shape, same golden brown color, they all somehow managed to be totally different from one another. Every clone's eyes acted as a gateway to their unique personality. Fives eyes had a spark to them, they screamed wildness and excitement, with a hint of gentleness in them counteracted with Echos which were calmer, intuitive, with a dash of sass mixed in. 

When Omega looked into Rex's eyes she saw that they were a bit older, must be older than the other clones but not by much , yet they were soft, strong, and above all else full of determination.    

Omega hopes to one day have those eyes.  

She found herself no longer hiding behind Fives, but still had her arms wrapped around his leg armor. 

Rex extended a hand forward with an open palm. Omega looked at the hand for a bit, before she placed her hand in his. Rex carefully enclosed his fingers over hers while rubbing his thumb over her fingers in a reassuring manner, and slowly pulled her out into the open.

Once Omega was brought further into the light she was able to see Rex in full form. Her eyes moved away from his and widened at the sight of his head. 

“Your hair” she squeaked out excitedly. 

Rex looked up to his head “What about it?” 

“It’s blonde like mine.”  

Rex let out a laugh “Yeah I guess it is, You know I’ve never met another blond clone before, guess that makes us twins.” 

Omega couldn’t help but smile, maybe everything will be okay? 

“Awww, he's like a tiny Rex” Hardcase said with a wide grin. The others were beginning to crowd around the pair, kneeling down to Omega's height.   

“Say kid out of all the legions the 501st is the best to have been kidnapped by,” Jesse said with a smile. 

“Okay, as cute as this is,” Fives walked over to scoop up Omega “we have to take Omega to the Kix,”Echo interrupted.

“Okay,” Rex got up from his kneeling position, “but once he gets there we have to have a talk.” 

Fives and Echo nodded then left with Omega tagging along. 

“I like that kid,” Hardcase spoke up. 

“Yeah” Rex let out a small chuckle “me too.” 


Kix was in the medical room waiting for Fives and Echo, he figured Fives got himself hurt again and was just too embarrassed to admit it infront of everyone wouldn’t be the first time, so he was just making some final inspections just waiting for the pair to show up.

He heard the door swoosh open and turned to see Echo entering in with Fives right behind him holding a cadet. Kix has seen some strange stuff as a medic, but this was by far the strangest. 

He looked between Echo and Fives before landing on Fives, “Is there something you want to tell me?”

Fives blushed “He’s not mine if that's what you're asking.” 

“I’m assuming he's my patient,” Kix bent down scanning over the tiny cadet for any injuries.

“This is Omega, we found him in the aftermath of Kamino, he scraped up his leg pretty bad, we had it bandaged but just wanted you to work your magic.” 

“So kidnapping cadets now, that's definitely a new one Fives, but why didn’t you just give him to a medic on Kamino.” Kix huffed out annoyed at their stupidity. Kriff he was working at that medical tent for hours, why didn’t they bring Omega to him then.

“Look,” Echo spoke up this time, “we’ll explain our reasoning to Rex and everyone later, but first we just want Omega taken care of." 

Kix looked over to his patient, who was huddled up in Fives arms looking worriedly around the medical room as if everything in there was gonna attack him. 

Must have a bad history with medics, Kix deduced. 

“Of course I’ll help him, but I do want some form of an explanation after this.” 

“Yeah, we both have a lot of explaining to do,” Echo laughed. 

“I’d implore you both to start explaining to Rex before you get assigned sanitation duty for life, I’ll bring him out when I’m finished.”  

Upon hearing those words, they quickly said goodbye to Omega and went out to find Rex.

“Okay Omega hop up on the chair and I’ll take a look to that leg,”

Omega stood still for a while before he slowly made his way to the medical chair. Omega crawled up onto the table and laid still. Really still, almost as his whole body went limp. 

Kix frowned, Omega seemed to be absolutely terrified. 

“Hey don’t worry kid I don’t bite,” he said as an attempt to cheer him up. “Can I see that leg so I can inspect it?” 

Omega nodded and extended his bandaged up leg to the medic. Kix gently held the leg in his hands being careful to not apply to much pressure around the wound. The leggings were too tight on Omega's leg to be rolled up so he was going to have to take them off. 

“Okay I’m gonna need you to take off your legging, is that okay?” 

Omega stiffened, “It’s a one piece.”   

“Can you take it off?” 

Kix noticed how Omega shook a little when he instructed Omega to take off his bodysuit. Kix felt his heart tighten, it’s never a good sign when your patient is hesitant to take off their clothes. There are many reasons for his hesitation: it hurts to take off clothes, wants to hide injuries, assault, Kix tried to convince himself Omega wasn't comfortable being naked in front of a stranger, but they aren't strangers they are brothers, why so hesitant .

“Hey I'm not going to hurt you, my job is to help you, I just want to make sure you get better,” Kix patted Omega's shoulder. 

“I’ll make you a deal after the stitches I’ll let you have your choice at the candy jar” he finished his statement with a smile, the candy jar always works. It was the only incentive he had to get Hardcase to take his shots. 

Omega seemed to be intrigued by the candy jar, but still seemed hesitant. After a couple minutes of waiting, and a little bit of provoking on Kixs part, he felt bad pressuring the kid but he did have an injury that needed to be taken care of, Omega began to carefully take off the upper part of the jumpsuit. 

After unzipping the upper part it slowly started to slide off of Omega's body to reveal bandages wrapped around the upper chest of Omega. 

Kix panicked at first assuming they were for an upper body wound, but after scanning him over he didn’t see any blood or signs of bruising. Upon further inspection Kix recognized the particular way the bandages were wrapped around the body. 

It’s the exact same wrapping pattern the Commander uses for battle to keep her breasts in place. 

But that would mean … 

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