Calm after the storm

Start from the beginning

I immediately dropped to my knees and everyone was worried as they rushed to me. I started crying into my hands which made everyone even more worried. "I'm just so happy" I sobbed out. Everyone lifted me onto my feet and hugged me and we all slowly started crying together.

These officers probably thought we were mental or something but who cares. Our lives seem like they're going to get better now that the root of all of our problems is gone and hopefully for good. We dry our tears and Betty looked towards the officer.

"Please make sure she gets put away for a long time. And don't say we can't do that without evidence because I'm sure we have more than enough and as you can see we have plenty of witnesses who can testify".

The officer nodded and said "Just give us your contact information and we will inform you of all and any court cases in relation to Ms. Aria and her family". He took down all of our numbers before walking away to meet with the other officers who were gathering up all of the men sent after us.

Suddenly we heard the sound of a phone ringing and Reggie answered his phone with worry in his voice. He suddenly started smiling widely, continuing talking with whoever and then said "We'll be right there now" before hanging up.

"Let's go, we have to get to the hospital. Cheryl's up from her coma!". That's all he needed to say before we all got in a car not caring whose it was and we rushed straight to the hospital.

At the hospital

We all rushed into the hospital at once and a doctor was walking towards us. "Right this way" was all he said as we eagerly followed him, wanting to see our beloved Cheryl. "She's a bit sluggish with her movements and speech but that's normal after waking from a coma. Be mindful of how loud you speak also as her senses seem to be heightened especially her hearing".

We all nodded our heads quickly as we just wanted to see Cheryl. He finally opened the door and we rushed inside and went up to Cheryl who was awake but literally looked dead. I mean I guess that's expected since she was near to death in the first place.

"Hey guys" she said very quietly to the point where we could barely hear her. I first went up to her and hugged her as gently as possible. I instantly started crying as I got her to slowly place her hand on my arm, trying to hug me back.

"I missed you so fucking much" I sobbed as I tried to stop my tears but they continued to rush down. Ever since Cheryl was in a coma I felt so lost. I knew we sort of had that twin bond mostly every twin has but I never knew it was so strong. There wasn't a single day I didn't visit Cheryl because the longer I was away from her I literally felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. I literally felt like I lost a piece of me even though I technically did since Cheryl is literally my other half.

The others let us have our moment before they each got their own moments with her.

Few Hours later

"Visiting hours are now over guys. Only 3 family members are allowed during this time" a nurse stated as she opened the door. All of us nodded and got up from the chairs, beginning to leave except for me.

I stopped Reggie and pulled him to the side. "I want you to go and get my family from the safe house and bring them here. Get Toni's family and bring them to where the others are. Also can you ask Betty to make some calls to get at least one or two more bodyguards. Even though the officers said Aria and her family are in custody I just want to be extra safe".

He nodded and brought me into a hug, patting my back. "I got you bro. I promise everything will be okay now, have some hope yeah?". I nodded with a smile as he let me go and patted my back before leaving.

"Are you the only family? And would you like a blanket and pillow?" the nurse asked from the doorway. "Our parents and sister will be coming and you can just get 2 blankets and pillows please, thank you". She gave me a slight smile before leaving.

About half an hour later I opened my eyes hearing the sound of the door open. I immediately rushed towards my family and enveloped them into a big group hug. "Alright now you're doing too much" Paris muffled into my arms.

I ignored her and continued hugging them until Paris started dramatically gasping for air. I let go of her only and continued hugging my parents. I felt like it's been years since I've last seen them.

"Jason sweetie you know your mother only has a limited amount of oxygen. I would prefer not to die so soon, especially by the hands of my own son" my mom said making me chuckle. I let go of them finally and they were smiling brightly at me while I smiled the same way back at them.

"How is she?" Paris asked as they all finally looked at Cheryl. "Oh my baby" my mom gasped as she slowly went by Cheryl's bedside and Cheryl seemed to be sleeping.

"She's been in a coma for a while and just woke up today but the doctors and nurses say that she's showing signs of improvement so that's good. She did get injured badly but you guys don't need to get into that, just know that she's doing much better than in the beginning."

My dad and sister and I joined, gathering around Cheryl's bed. "I just want my baby to be okay" I heard my mom say as I watched tears start to fall and my dad wrapped his arms around her.

I suddenly felt Paris hug me from the side and I silently wrapped my arm around her. "She'll be fine, trust me" I told her to calm down her nerves.

I know how Paris gets when any of us are hurt, especially Cheryl, so I can only imagine how hard it is for her to see her own sister like this. We were surrounding Cheryl's bed for a while before we decided we should rest.

The next day

I woke up to the sound of screaming and on alert I grabbed my gun and aimed it in the direction of the scream. "Shoot me and I'll beat your ass even in death" Paris told me as she crossed her arms with a mug.

"It was on safety anyways" I mumbled as I secretly placed it back on safety. "Why are you screaming anyways" I grumbled as I rubbed my eyes and looked at my parents who were still sleeping peacefully. I don't know how they're still sleeping after Paris' ear piercing scream.

Paris smirked before saying "Do you wanna tell him yourself". I looked at her confused, wondering who the fuck she was talking to. "Pulling a gun on our sister is very brave of you don't you think" a hoarse voice said, slightly scaring me.

"You're actually awake" we both said at the same time. "Am I supposed to be dead or something" she asked as she laughed then started coughing aggressively.

"I'll get the nurse. Wake mom and dad up in the meanwhile." I told Paris as I exited the room. She nodded and I quickly found one of Cheryl's nurses.

When we both entered the room my mom was crying hysterically as Cheryl had a smile on her face and my dad was trying to calm my mom down. Paris was just watching amused as mom kept hollering about how her baby is safe and alive.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment..." the nurse started off. "I need to do some vital checks on Cheryl then I'll get her doctor to run some more tests and update you on what her status is right now". We nodded at what she said and we let her do what she had to do.

It has been  crazy the past few days but I'm just happy that my sister is finally awake and our family is here with us.

Highly doubt anyone is still reading this but I felt like I had to finish this book, I don't like unfinished books and I'm sure u guys don't like it either. One last chapter though then the book is done for good.

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