Chapter Eight: Crossed Wands - First Round

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Sebastian didn't catch Damien after any of his classes the next day. Or the next, despite the fact that they shared more than half. He hadn't even passed him in the halls, which was peculiar. It was almost as if Damien were avoiding him.

Or maybe it was the additional work their professors had assigned him. Ominis overheard that Damien had been glimpsed wandering around the castle with a giant tome uttering, "Revelio!" as he collected items no one else could see. Rather odd, indeed.

Well, Sebastian had more important things to do anyway. Last night he finished the book he found in the Restricted Section. Besides the shrivelfig fruit he had picked up for Anne in Hogsmeade, there were a few other things he'd like to investigate. For the time being though, Professor Garlick taught him a preservation spell to keep the fruit alive until he could give it to Anne, which was hopefully soon.

Speaking of Anne, he began writing her a letter last night as well. If she heard about the troll in Hogsmeade, he didn't want her to worry. He should have written to her sooner.

Sebastian tapped his foot on the floor. He stood beside the gated entrance leading into the South Wing. He was waiting for Lucan to begin the first round of Crossed Wands, which started earlier than he expected this year. Rumor had it that Professor Hecat had asked Lucan to schedule the first round sooner. Sebastian wasn't sure he believed it - Crossed Wands was supposed to be a secret after all.

Sebastian's first match wasn't scheduled until later this evening, but it didn't hurt to observe the new duelists. His ego couldn't afford to be surprised again by unexpected new talent. Perhaps Damien would even make an appearance.

Natty walked through the door, greeting Sebastian. "When's your match, Sebastian?" she asked, surveying the crowded room beyond the gate.

"Just past eight. Yours?"

"In twenty minutes or so. Lucan asked me to duel a new recruit. Think I should take it easy on them?" she laughed.

"Never!" he retorted with a chuckle. 

Natty smiled back. "Well, I'll see you inside." She passed through the gate and sat down against the far wall by herself.

As more students filed in, Sebastian wondered if maybe Damien wouldn't be coming after all. He had seemed interested when they spoke after Defense Against the Dark Arts class the other day.

Astoria Crickett glared at Sebastian as she ran through the doors, meeting up with Lawrence Davies, her dueling partner. Last year they had a particularly heated duel ending with Astoria in singed robes. Sebastian still hadn't mastered Confringo at the time and it had been a tad hot.

Upon turning around, he was met with the unexpected sight of Damien standing directly in front of him.

"Glad you could make it." Sebastian said. "Lucan's just over there."

Damien nodded and entered the South Wing. Sebastian followed, sitting beside Natty on the floor.

"Is Damien joining Crossed Wands?" she asked.

"I would hope so. I invited him."

"Oh - a bit of friendly competition, then?"

"Perhaps, or maybe we'll team up," he grinned. 

"You'd certainly be formidable challengers," Natty agreed. "What do you know about him?" she continued.

"Not much. He's proving to be quite the enigma. You?" Sebastian checked to make sure Damien was still chatting with Lucan.

Natty glanced over as well. "I've heard rumors, but I'm not sure what to believe. I'd rather not speculate."

"Mr. Hill asked me if he transferred from Beauxbatons. Has Damien mentioned anything about that to you?"

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