Chapter 5

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After a few more weeks, Rafes walking was coming along well. But after being neglected for so long, his muscles were causing him pain, so one day, you had an idea and convinced him to give it a go.

"Swimming!" You cheered, wading up to your thighs in the water and smiling at the feel. It was a lovely day outside, and you'd always loved swimming, so you were excited at spending an afternoon in the pool.

Rafe looked less amused in his shorts and sunglasses, sitting in his chair and scowling at the water. He looked like a model, you couldn't help but notice, trying not to make it too obvious that you were admiring his body. Ever since you'd woken up in his arms the other week, you were painfully aware of his body when ever you were together. Now you woke up cold, and alone, missing the feel of his body against yours. 

"I thought I was learning to walk again. Why exactly are we going swimming?" He asked, the hint of a bite in his words, which you ignored and walked back over to him, very aware of the amount of skin you were showing. You hadn't thought you'd be around your boss when you were swimming, so you hadn't thought much about the amount of boob that would be on display. Now you were wishing you'd packed something more modest.

"Because, smart ass, the water will strengthen your legs while taking some of the pressure off them... But you already knew that, so stop stalling."

For a moment you thought you saw the hint of an amused smirk cross his face, but then he was sighing and slowly getting to his feet. His legs still shook a little, but not as much as they had been. He was slowly getting stronger.

Still, you went to his side and offered your hand without a word, which Rafe took and slowly the two of you headed for the water.

He seemed fine until the water hit his thighs, at which point you noticed the slight hitch in his breathing and how his hand tightened around yours. He said nothing though, so you kept going until it was at his waist, at which point it hit you what was wrong with him.

His accident. When the ship had gone down, he'd drowned and been brought back. But he must have remembered thinking he was going to die in that ship. The feeling of water filling his lungs...

When you realised, you came to a stop and turned to him, seeing how tense he was. His breath was coming in fast shallow pants, and his eyes were squeezed shut. "Rafe..." He opened his eyes and you gave him a small smile before nodding back towards his chair. "We don't have to do this... I didn't think..."

He said nothing for a second, but then he took a deep breath and sighed, shaking his head as he did so. "No. We're doing this..."

Deciding not to argue with him, you continued walking until you no longer could, at which point you started to tread water beside Rafe who could still walk. When he looked at you he laughed. "Are you allowed passed this point without a parent?" He mocked and you glared at him and splashed water in his face before swimming away laughing.

"I wouldn't wind me up in here... Not when you can't swim away from me fast enough " You smirked, and he smirked and flipped you off before slowly starting to swim, struggling a little at first, but then when he figured out exactly how much his body could take, he was fine and the two of you spent a few hours floating around, talking quietly.

After the initial tension, you found that you quite enjoyed Rafes company now, and he wasn't as much of an asshole as you'd first thought.

The two of you stayed in the pool long enough that the skies started to darken and a chill entered the air, so reluctantly the two of you got out. As usual after swimming, you were both starving, so you didn't bother getting changed before going for food. Someone had ordered pizza for you both, so you took up your usual spots in the conservatory and ate in a comfortable silence.
You noticed that Rafe had walked in with you, not using his chair, and smiled a little.
It was only when you were done that you noticed Rafe flinching a little when he moved his legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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