Chapter One

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"Hang on, so you're just taking off half way around the world for a job?"

You rolled your eyes as your best friend and sister gaped at you, still not believing what you were telling her.

"Yes!" You insisted as you continued packing your suitcase. "I accepted it this morning. My flight leaves tomorrow-"

"Tomorrow?!" She demanded, throwing a balled up pair of socks at you. "What do you mean tomorrow?!"

You shrugged and continued packing, trying to take the small parts of your life that you couldn't live without. So far you had a playstation and a pile of books. "Apparently they're desperate for the role to be filled. As I'm desperate for a job, it's a pretty good deal."

She rolled her eyes. "You've never even worked in care before. Does it not strike you as odd that this amazing opportunity is yours? They're probably human traffickers!"

You couldn't help your annoyed laugh now. "I'm not actually as dense as you believe. I did my research, it's a legit thing. From what I can gather, some rich guy had an accident and now he needs help driving around and having food made and things. There's not a great deal of care involved. I'm more of a maid."

She still didn't seem convinced, so you nodded over at your laptop, still open on the desk. "Go see for yourself. I've left his page open."

She shot you a look and then did as instructed, leaving you to pack in peace.

"Hey he's handsome at least. I'd take the risk just for that face alone," she grinned and you shook your head, chuckling. He was handsome, but you weren't taking this job for the eye candy.


Twenty-four hours later, you were starting to wonder who the hell your new employer really was. Your parents had dropped you off at the airport, waving you off as you made your way into the tiny building, wondering if you'd gone to the wrong place.

You'd been met inside by a tall handsome man in a suit who had introduced himself as Dean Simmons and taken your bags. You'd followed him through some doors, your passport clutched in your hands, but you hadn't even needed it. As you stepped outside, you realised why. A private jet with the words 'Adler Industries' on the side was waiting in the hangar, and you'd stopped dead in your tracks when you'd seen it. Dean had laughed at your reaction and led you on board.

It was nearly time to land when Dean came to find you again, sitting down opposite you with a grin.

"So, Y/N, how are you enjoying your employment so far?" He asked with a cheeky grin, and you decided immediately that you liked him.

You shrugged and gazed out of the window, seeing the city passing beneath you and knowing it would be time to land soon. "It feels more like a holiday to be honest," You confessed and he laughed.

"Don't get too used to it, once we get to the estate, there isn't much to do. Mr Adler pretty much keeps to himself and doesn't leave, so as long as you're happy in your own company, you'll be fine."

You thought about it and shrugged. You'd brought your Playstation along, so you could spend time on that if all else failed, but you weren't that hard to entertain.

Before you could chicken out, you turned to Dean and asked the question you'd been wondering since you received the phone call a few days before. "So why me? Surely you had more experienced candidates than me. Not that I'm not grateful, because I am. You've all just gone through a lot of effort to do this, and all I can think is why?"

Dean looked uncomfortable for a moment and you let the smile drop from your face. "Oh god, you really are taking me to harvest my organs aren't you?"

Something To Fight For (Rafe Adler X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now