Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, and I know nothing about physio/how to relearn how to walk. I just wrote what sounded mostly right to me.


Two days later, you had met Rafe for breakfast, half expecting him to have backed out of your arrangement now the guilt had worn off. You were pleasantly surprised to find him already dressed, wearing some loose fitting black joggers, and a fitted white tee. He looked good. Unfairly so for someone who hadn't long since fell out of bed and into work out gear. Still, you were glad he was dressed, as you had been nervous about coming to breakfast in your yoga pants and hoodie. You'd left his hoodie behind in your rooms, not quite ready to return it yet, and he didn't ask about it. He greeted you as warmly as could be expected for 5:30am, and you smiled back at him. He seemed to look at you longer than necessary, and you looked away, worried you had something on your face. You casually wiped your face, the first time he turned away, praying you weren't going to start blushing again. You'd had a pep talk with your face the day before. The blushing was not necessary .

Dean saved you as he sauntered in, falling into the seat beside you, and throwing his arm over your shoulder. "So you didn't chicken out, Y/N?"

Pulling a face, you wiggled out from under his arm. "How many times do I have to tell you Dean? I don't-"

"Scare easy. Yeah, yeah, I know. But you don't know how much of a stubborn ass this guy can be," he said pointedly, shooting Rafe a look, who flipped him off without even looking up. Choking on a laugh, you dug into your breakfast omelette, ignoring the two men who bickered like brothers.

You were nearly finished when Rafe called your name, and you looked up to see him pushing something across the table to you. You put your fork down slowly before reaching out to take the box from him. When you realised what it was, you opened your mouth to object, but he beat you to it.

"Don't bother arguing. You need a phone and that old one you had was barely fit for purpose. I had all the data transferred over to this one, so you have all your photos on it. The only thing is your number has changed, but that's not a bad thing. At least you can choose who has your new one."

You looked up at him. Did he know that your ex called you so much? Using different numbers when you blocked each one. The expression on his face gave nothing away, but you'd seen the flash of something in his eyes, and you couldn't help but wonder if he'd not kept your old number for that purpose. Either way you were grateful, so instead of arguing, you unboxed it and powered it up. Handing it to Dean, you grinned at Rafe.

"Picture time!" You announced, leaning back as Dean squeezed in beside you, holding the camera high and snapping a picture.

Rafe tried to object, but gave up. Still, you howled as you looked at the picture. You and Dean were grinning like excited kids, while Rafe was glaring daggers into the back of your heads. You looked back up at him and showed him the picture, seeing the slightest twitch of his lips as he gave it a quick look. "It's day one! That's worth documenting."

He said nothing, but he didn't tell you to delete it, so you put your phone away and stood up. "Are we ready to get started then?"

He didn't look thrilled, but you ignored him and led the way into the outbuilding that housed his gym. Dean accompanied you, and when you got into the gym, he did the heavy lifting, helping you to get the equipment where you wanted it. Rafe just sat in his chair, staring down at his feet in anger. You were surprised by the look on his face, but you ignored it and moved to his side, not speaking until he looked up at you. "So I spoke to a doctor, and they referred me to a physio who gave me exercises for you to do to strengthen your legs, which is step one. Do you want to start in your chair, or on the mat?"

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