Chapter Four

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The excitement didn't allow you to sleep that night, so you found yourself still wide awake at 2am, playing on your playstation to tire yourself out. Every now and again, you'd smile to yourself as you remembered Rafe taking those first steps, and the look on his face when he'd reached you. No matter what happened for the rest of your life, that was not a sight you would ever forget.

However, between smiles, you were shouting at your TV screen as you fought through level after level, kicking ass and getting shot.

"Oh come on!" You growled as the same enemy brought you down for the third time. "I'm gonna-"

A knock at your door had you freezing in place, wondering who it could be at that time. You stood up and padded over to the door, conscious of your bare legs as you opened it. It was Rafe, sitting in his chair, his hair dishevelled and eyes bright.


He smirked. "Who else?"

You quickly stepped out of the way, allowing him into your rooms. You thought he'd wheel himself in, but instead he pushed himself to his feet, holding onto the door frame while he found his balance, and then taking a step. He was very wobbly, his legs probably aching from the amount they'd been used already, so you stepped in and took his arm. He looked down at you, a soft smile on his face.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? It's 2am."

He chuckled as you both headed for the sofa you'd vacated moments before. "Well I couldn't sleep, so I was on my way to the office, when I heard you shouting, so I thought I'd come investigate."

Your face glowed and you started to apologise, but he waved you off, collapsing onto the sofa. You sat down beside him, still mortified that he'd heard you shouting at the game. You didn't know what to say, but he gestured to the screen. "Please, continue. As we're both awake, I'll provide you with company and you can provide me with entertainment... What are you playing?"

"It's called Tomb Raider," you explained, pressing play and launching straight back into the fight scene. You tried not to lose your temper this time, as you could feel Rafe's eyes on your face. This time, you defeated it straight away and grinned at Rafe. "Clearly I'm a professional."

He laughed, this time without restraint, and once again the beauty of it caught you off guard. The man you'd first been introduced to, and the one who sat beside you now were two completely different people. The Rafe who was sat beside you was warm, and funny, unlike the cold stone you'd met on your first day. You liked him, you realised, as more than your boss. He was in real danger of becoming a friend.

You chatted away to him, telling him about the game, and the story. You could tell it was reminding him of his past, and he was starting to look sad, so you did the only thing you could think of and handed him the controller. "You play, I'll watch for a while." He started to shake his head no, but you insisted. "Please?"

He stilled, looking from your face to the controller before sighing and taking it from you. "You'd think you were the boss in this relationship," he grumbled, but hit continue.

You laughed as you watched him struggle through the first few minutes, but then he figured out the controls more, and he was actually pretty good! You cheered every time he emerged from a fight, victorious, and shouted for him when he was losing. He was getting into it as much as you.

After a little while, your eyes were starting to feel sandy and you were struggling to keep them open. You weren't ready to say goodnight yet though, so you tried to stay awake, watching Rafe play, much more subdued now. At some point you must have lost the battle as you tumbled into a deep sleep.


Rafe didn't know what he was enjoying more- the game, or the sight of you laughing unabashedly with him. Probably the latter. Your laugh brightened up his mood, and he made a mental note to be funnier in the future so he could hear it more.

When he'd first raised his fist to knock on your door, he'd almost talked himself out of it, but after growing a pair, he decided to just do it, and he was glad he had. This was a side of you he didn't get to see very often.

He'd been playing for a while when he realised you hadn't spoken in ages, and he looked down, seeing that you had fallen asleep, leaning against him. The smile that came to his lips brought with it a warm feeling in his chest. If he wasn't careful, he was in real danger of falling for a member of the staff. Would that be so bad though? He thought to himself as he gazed down at your sleeping form, lifting his arm to drape over you shoulders. The movement must have disturbed you as you mumbled something in your sleep and turned, cuddling into his chest. He froze, scared that you'd wake up, but you didn't. You nuzzled your face against his chest, breathing in deeply, and he didn't bother to hide his smile as he put his arm down, holding you against him. Before he could even register what he was doing, he had leaned down and placed a kiss on your hair. "Sleep well, Y/N," he mumbled quietly into your hair.

He continued playing the game for a little while, but became conscious of your sleeping form and didn't want to wake you up. Besides, his own eyes were wanting to close, so he turned off the console and leaned his head back, drifting off with you in his arms.

That was how Dean found you a couple of hours later when he came to get you for your morning run. One look at the pair of you and he smiled and turned around, leaving without a word. 

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