Worth For Freedom Or Despair?

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"Please..move on.."

"I lost another.. Nee-sama.. He was my best friend. He was everything to me.."

"Damn those Sirens.."

"The dreamwalker will always prevail.. Battling Giant."

"You think everything will be solved? That's where you're wrong!"

"She never deserved anything of this.. perhaps fate was cruel.."

"The past was horrible.. But yet you choose to live with it."

"The Swirling Cherry Blossoms were yet to reveal the truth.."

"And thy the life of the Crimson Echoes.."


Mirror Sea, Atlantic Ocean

Akagi: I will make sure your fall won't be in vain, Grey Ghost (smirks.)

Enterprise: Surrender yourself, Akagi or do you want to face the same fate as the Sirens. It's not too late to redeem yourself and change

Akagi: Do you think we would give up easily? (amused)

Enterprise: (shouts) This is for the better, Akagi!

Their weapons meet and clank to each other. The fierce battle goes on as the others stare at them.

Enterprise: We will seize the black cube you and the Crimson Axis you were using all the time! We won't let ourselves bow down to the knees of the sirens!!

The white haired girl pushed the kitsune away, while she panted.

Akagi: The stronger gets to stay alive, while the weak gets to die! When you're strong, you live, When you're weak you die!.. We will deliver punishment to those who have committed crimes against us!

The brown haired kitsune glared with her red aura reflecting her well being.

Cleveland: (shouts) Enterprise!!

Helena: Be careful!!

Q.E: I am worried about her..
(Queen Elizabeth)

She kept thinking as both kansen glared and glanced at each other.

Belfast: Your majesty..

She wanted to intervene but they knew that Enterpise would just push them out of the way. This was between her and Akagi.

On Crimson Axis's side..

"Nee-sama!" Kaga also wanted to go and save her sister. However, she was stopped by someone.

"Do not intefere.." Yamato tapped her shoulder as Kaga got taken aback by her sudden appearance.

"This is their battle, Kaga.. If I were you, I would not interrupt them." Yamato replied calmly.

Kaga stopped and watched her nee-sama battle the Grey Ghost.

Back with Enterprise And Akagi..

The mirror sea was terrifying, of course. Akagi needs to get the Black Cube powered up for the sake of research and for the Orochi to be activated. Without it, they won't be able to defeat and eliminate Azur Lane permanently.

Enterprise releases an arrow towards Akagi as she closely dodged it. Enterprise will fight for freedom and peace.

Akagi: The Crimson Axis will succeed!

She tries her best to hit Enterprise directly.

While the two fought hard, Shinano was seen staring at the cube, with her eyes being droopy.

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