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Izuku: hey keigo

Keigo: Hey there!

Izuku: Why are you not texting me that you are in the hospital like seriously hurt and need to stay there for a week and more?!

Keigo: laughs Well I wouldn't want to worry you! Plus, I'm sure the doctors know what they're doing and I'm sure I'll be out of here in no time.

Izuku: are you bored there?

Keigo: Not really, I manage to find things to keep myself entertained. Plus, I get to get some rest, so it's not all bad.

Izuku:  Oh.. I thought we could play that game again if you are bored

Keigo: smiles I'd love to, sounds like fun! What game did you have in mind?

Izuku: you know that story game we did?

Keigo: nods Yes, I remember! That was a lot of fun, let's do it again. Who wants to start this time?

Izuku: smiles Alright, go ahead! I'm ready whenever you are.

Keigo: smiles Alright, go ahead! I'm ready whenever you are.

Izuku: Once apon a time there was a black cat which was watching over 20 little animals of all kinds.

Keigo: The black cat was an old, wise advisor to the animals, providing them guidance and support as they faced difficult times. Despite its age and frailty, it displayed remarkable courage, never wavering in its dedication to protecting the animals. In its final moments, the black cat gave its life to protect the animals from a dangerous predator, becoming a symbol of strength and courage.

Izuku: There was a Pomeranian there in the black cats class which loved to go at a small frail bunny

Keigo:The tiny Pomeranian, while seemingly harmless and cute, had a powerful love and determination for the small, weak bunny. The Pomeranian's courage and unwavering loyalty were an inspiration to the other animals, and it never gave up in its quest to keep the bunny safe and sound. Together, this courageous duo battled great odds and eventually vanquish their foe, restoring peace and safety to

Izuku: Too bad that for the Bunny what the Pomeranian did was nothing than torture

Keigo: The bunny was filled with dread and fright, believing that the Pomeranian's actions were nothing more than cruel and unnecessary torture. The other animals witnessed this and felt similarly, gradually distancing themselves from the Pomeranian and its questionable approach to protecting the bunny. In response, the Pomeranian became more and more desperate, growing ever more determined to prove that its actions were indeed worthy of protection

Izuku: So the Pomeranian tried and tried but was only showing his explosive agressive side without fear nor hesitation towards the bunny.

Keigo: Yes, the Pomeranian was trying desperately to prove that its actions were justified, but unfortunately, it was only showing its explosive, aggressive side, attacking anything in its path with fearlessness and determination. The other animals watched in horror, and the bunny trembled with fear. Eventually, though, the Pomeranian managed to prove that its actions were necessary, and the bunny was never harmed.

Izuku: The bunny in the end also decided to leave everything be since it was the weakest link in the class and left the small animal gathering to live in peace for the rest of his life

Keigo: The bunny, knowing it was the weakest among the group, decided to leave and find a peaceful place to live away from the violence and chaos. The other animals sadly watched as the bunny disappeared, eventually growing to accept the Pomeranian's actions. Although the bunny was never seen again, its memory of courage, strength, and friendship remained in the hearts of all who knew it.

Keigo: And that's it.

Keigo: Why do I feel like you were talking about yourself?

Izuku: Oh nothing.

Keigo: You sure?

Izuku: Yup!

Keigo Fried Chicken here! What can I do for you? (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now