I rubbed my forehead and mistakenly touched the bandage on my forehead. I flinched in pain.

"You should take some sleep" he said as he motion for me to lie down.

"No... it's okay. I have to go back, I can't take your room... you must be tired too and I don't want to be a bother to you..." I felt bad for always troubling him. I move to stand up from the bed when he held my wrist stopping me from moving.

"Don't! Sleep!" He ordered with that same hard and firm voice that he usually use. I immediately lied down and he covered me with his blanket with his scent still lingering in them. I inhaled it unconsciously and I felt safe. He caressed my hair lightly as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"Don't worry! I am here with you" he assured me and I closed my eyes trusting him with my life.

The next morning I woke up to find him sitting on the chair beside my bed with his hands enclosed with mine. I smiled and tried to sit up with my hands still enclosed in his. I rubbed my eyes with my other hand. His soft snores filling the room, I felt bad for him. He stayed in this uncomfortable angle the whole night. I looked at his arms as his sleeves were rolled up.

His arms were covered with tattoos of all shapes. There is some in different languages. I saw a small word near his inner elbow. I scoffed lightly with amusement. It was the name of his first love, Bella in black cursive. He really do love his bike more than anything. He woke up with a start as he looked around and then his gaze fell on me and he sighed in relief.

"You are awake!" He stated as he lean a little forward and kissed the back of my hand and then stood up. His action so natural and discreet as if didn't realize what he did. I sat there with red cheeks looking on the floor unable to meet his gaze.

"The cook will be out there and must have prepared the breakfast already. Go fresh up then we will head outside" he told me and helped me stand up.

I walked in the bathroom, when I stood in front of mirror. I cringed at the way I look, my haira mess, flying here and there. The braid I made with so much care long gone. My hair are back to their usual curls but a knotted mess. My eyes are red and swollen with dark circles around it. I look so ugly and pathetic. The bandage on the right side of my forehead.

I washed my face again and again until I was sure I am clean. My bandage is already wet but I don't care. I brushed my teeth with the spare tooth brush that I found in the cabinet. I tamed my hairs with the hair brush I found in one of the drawer. It took almost half an hour.

When I walked outside, Hunter was waiting for me all dressed up and fresh. He must have use another bathroom.

"Let's go" he said and motioned me to walk out as he walked behind me. It was the first time I came on this floor. I already saw the first floor of his penthouse but not this floor. There are two more rooms in the hallway. I walked downstairs and towards the kitchen.

The table was already set with the breakfast but there wasn't anyone around. I sat down on the chair and he did the same as he sat infront of me. He only took black coffee.

"You are not eating?" I asked him.

"No I only take black coffee for breakfast" he said and I frowned slightly. It's an unhealthy way of starting a day.

After breakfast I told him that I want to go back to my apartment. He stayed quite for a while then nod.

"Will you be alright?" He asked. I nodded but he didn't seem to like it.

"I want to hear you say it" he grumbled.

"Yes I will be fine" I huffed a little.

"Your bag and your phone" he said as he gave me things which were kept on the coffee table in the living room.

"I turned off your phone, it was ringing continuously" he told me and I was shocked to hear that my phone is still working but the way Jack threw it I wasn't expecting it to work.

"Hunter!" I called his name and he hummed lightly.

"What happened to Jack?" I asked and this seem to anger him.

"You don't have to worry about him, you won't see him again" he told me with such rage that I kept quiet and walked towards the door. He was following me the whole way, when I stepped inside the elevator he came in with me. I looked at him in question, he only shrugged.

"Making sure that you reach your apartment safely" he said and I can't help but look at him. How can he be so calm while stirring my inside with his gestures.

He is making it hard not to fall for him, anybody in my place would already have but... Maybe I too have fallen for him already!

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