chapter 10

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The next few weeks go by in peace, I haven't come face to face with Hunter again after that day and I was thankful. University is going well, I had made two friends Jake and Hailey but unfortunately, they both don't get along.

When I am with one of them the other one doesn't like it but now they have come to terms with it. I can't leave any of them as they both are my first friends here in New York and they both are important to me. Hailey even came to my apartment one day and met Mary. Mary liked her too!

Mr.Handsome and I are also back to normal, this Sunday when he called me he was normal so I didn't push it and talked to him like I usually do. I told him about my day, my apartment and my university and as always he listened to me.

I also got the chance to visit the bookstore and it has become my favourite place in New York now. I have bought a few New books and the book owner Mr Thomas had become a great acquaintance. He also offered me a part-time job which I accepted even after Noah and Caleb denied it. I have decided not to tell them for now. I convinced Mary to not tell them either which took a lot of effort but in the end, she obliged and today is my first day at the book store.

Mr Thomas works alone in the shop so sometimes he needs someone to take care of the shop mostly after his wife has been sick. I love how he takes care of his wife even in old age, their love still shines. I have met her too and she is so kind. Their home is across the shop.

I walked towards my first day of the job and I am the happiest right now. The timings are 6 to 9 which is not much and I am paid generously. It's not that I need money but it's good to have money earned by my own hands.

I paused in front of the shop and my smile widen. Then I stepped inside and was welcomed by Mr Thomas and Mrs Thomas who was sitting in a wheelchair. They both smiled at me as I greeted them.

"Good evening," I said.

"Good evening sweetie," said Mrs Thomas and she looked tired.

"Have you eaten?" She asked me and I nodded, Mary had fed me before leaving. She also told me to keep my cell phone on at all times.

"Okay then, I am leaving the shop in your hands, we are going on a date," said Mr Thomas I saw Mrs Thomas blushing and I smiled at them. They are cute!

He explained to me about the register and the book aisles. It wasn't difficult, every genre has a different aisle making it easy to identify the one we need and they all are placed in alphabetical order.

After that, I helped Mrs Thomas get in the car as Mr Thomas put the wheelchair in the trunk. Then I waved them goodbye as I went inside the shop.

I walked around the aisles looking at the books, the name "books heaven" suits this place, it is heaven for book lovers. There are all sorts of books from academics to fiction to history to... in short all the genres.

Then I took my place behind the counter with the new book that I bought a few days ago. It was a romantic novel my favourite genre. I am a sucker for romance and great love stories. This book has the best plot, the enemies-to-lover story. I indulged in the book all the time. Only a few customers came at this time as I was already told by Mr Thomas that most of the customers come in the daytime.

I sold almost 5 books on my first day and I was ecstatic. At 9 Mr and Mrs Thomas came back and he closed the shop offering to drop me at my apartment but I declined politely. It was 10 minute walk barely two blocks away. And also there are still so many people on the road so I wasn't scared.

I walked back to the building with a huge smile on my face but that smile vanishes as I enter the building. I saw Hunter coming out of the elevator but this time there were two guys with him. Both wearing expensive suits, when his eyes fell on me I looked away and made my way towards the stairs. I know it's a stupid idea but I can't turn back now. I heard someone scoff and when I looked back all three of them were looking at me.

Hunter looked almost amused yet a little angry. He was the one who scoffed, I blushed under their scrutiny and ran towards the stairs. When I was on the fourth floor, my legs almost gave out under me. I curse myself for being so out of shape. My apartment is on the 15 floor, I will die at this rate. He was going out so that means he won't be in the elevator.

I huffed at myself for being so stupid. I went towards the elevator on the fourth floor and pressed the button as I waited for the elevator. I was panting and trying to catch my breath so when I opened I goes inside without looking at someone who was already in the elevator. I stood in front and pressed the button on my floor. I take a sigh of relief.

"That was close" I whispered.

"What was close?" A deep voice asked from behind me and I almost jump at the sudden voice. My heart beats fanatically as I place the face to the voice.

"God No! Please..." I whispered under my breath.

"You are weird," he said and I closed my eyes but stayed silent. Then I heard a chuckle from behind me and he was way too close for my liking. I stood still as I felt him leaning down as I feel his breath close to my ear.

"Kitten!" He said and I opened my eyes. As I looked ahead at the mirror, I could see him leaning so close to me but his eyes were gazing at me through the mirror. For a moment we both were lost in each other eyes, his eyes held amusement and mine held fear. I don't know why but his presence scares me and angers me at the same time. But I learned my lesson to keep anger at bay in front of him!

"Are you scared of me?" He smirked and I shivered in fear. His eyes shone as he realized I am scared of him. He likes that I am scared of him and this pisses me off a little.

"No...I am not!" I told him slowly and then he chuckled and I gulped because that laugh was demonic and dry as if he is taunting me.

"But you should be," he said and this time he was serious and his gaze was hard. I breathed out shakily and thanked God when the door opened and I ran out as if I am chased by a demon but in a way, he is a demon. I only looked back when I was in front of my door and was ringing the bell like a crazy woman.

The lift door was about to close and I only saw his amused face with a smirk before it was completely close. I put my head on the door as I calmed my heartbeat.

"What does he want from me?" I asked myself. Then the door  opened and Mary was eyeing me with scowl.

"Sorry" I said meekly as I realized she was probably sleeping when I was ringing the bell like a derange girl.

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