"Ouch! motherfucker"

Theo sends him a wink as Mason just glares at him

"So are you guys going to keep fighting or are you going to start asking me questions now?"

Breaking their stupid conversation, they both turn their heads to me and start to get serious

"She agreed to marry you?" Theo asks, in a way as if he cant even believe it

I simply nodded my head and downed the rest of my drink

"How? I'v heard that women is pretty tough so its surprising she would just marry you just like that?" Theo continues to question as Mason stares blanky at us

I look down to my lap and remember the moment I've had with the women of Lodge Industries. I chuckle just remembering our last conversation.

"Oh she is tough, it was harder to crack her than i thought. However, shes managed to crack us in everyway we thought was impossible" I state as i raise the empty glass in my hand and start to analyse its every detail from a far, staring at it so intensely as if it was her i was looking at.

"What do you mean she cracked you?" Mason finally asks, i take a deep breath and explain. this will come as a shock to them.

"She knew we had hired a spy to act as her receptionists, She knows we were the ones who orchestrated the hit on one of her assistants father, leaving him with nothing and six feet under. and....."

I pause and look at their faces, I dont want to tell them what else she found out or otherwise their going to loose their shits.

"and?" Theo pesters me on forward

"And.... She knows we are part of the Mafia"

"WHAT?!" they both yell at the same time, Theo stands up and mason is still seated however he dropped the glass that was in his hands and it shattered to the floor from hearing this news. They both stare at me wide eyed and all i do is stare at them back.

"What do you fucking mean she knows your in the Mafia? that wasnt part of the fucking plan!" Theo yells as he throws his hands in the air

I slam the glass that was in my hand on the table and stand up to my full height as well.

"I DONT FUCKING KNOW SHES TOO GOOD, She even ended up shooting at an almost dead corpse when we met up that i thought my men had already killed!" Shouting at them back

"wait the women can fight?" We both turn our heads to mason who asked the question

"Yeah and im pretty sure thats not all she can do.... Aliyna shes... Different and i dont know how to describe it"

letting my legs slump down and i sit myself back onto the couch, pouring another glass.

Theo runs a hand down his face and sighs audibly while mason just sits there shaking his head

"You need to get her under control, if she ends up finding out why you really married her it will ruin everything" Theo pours himself another glass as he sits back down on the couch

"I know, dont worry... i already talked to father about this. Hes aware of the situation"

"and what did he say?"

"He said he'll work on it, however we dont have much time. were getting married in a week from now and god knows whats gonna happen when we do get married"

"Maybe you guys are just overthinking it, Yeah shes smart and her name is damn sexy but theres a chance that she doesnt care your part of the mafia?" Mason speaks from his corner of the couch

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