Not My Type - 07 ( Down for Worst 😩 )

Start from the beginning

"....Why are you so eager??? You never been like this...if you this desperate you should go to club or something...."

"...Shut the fuck up you migot. I was just saying 😒😒😒😒. We will go to that Party...Yeah. That would be good I guess...."

Last part he said actually to himself. Honestly he wasn't pretty sure about his solution. He even had that feeling deep down his mind that he will not gonna be the same ever again but he didn't want to admit it at least not now he wasn't ready. Also he wasn't so sure how the hell is he going to survive till this weekend. But they were interrupted.

"....I think we need to talk mister...."

Suddenly Jade and Jae-Sung turned around in unison with amazement. It was TJ in his Basketball uniform and his face look dangerously cold , beside him Chad stood with apologetic expressions. Before Jade get a chance to protes TJ gestured his best friend and he nodded his head and put his hand over Shocked Jae-Sung and dragged him away in next second. Jade felt his anger building up inside of him but he decided not to explode because after all, this is the guy who actually spent their time to take care of his sick self. Most importantly he knew that TJ didn't have todo that and he could have easily fuck him and forget him. Like he used to. But here he is showing his care and wasting his time on him. But he couldn't help but kinda snapped at him.

"....What the hell do you want Tylor???...."

That response completely turned his cold strained face into a flirty smirk because that was the first time someone who wasn't his family called him by his first name without fear or respect.

"....There are so many things I want from you baby, but right now I need only one thing. That one thing is I don't want you to go to that damn party and fucking around....'

TJ said it with a deep husky voice which easily send shiver down his spin.

"....Who do you think you are to ordering me around Tylor ???...."

Jade said out of anger but he was internally shaking at TJ's aura. He didn't response right away because he took few seconds to observe his expressions. Jade felt so uncomfortable at his staring because those eyes was penetrating his fucking soul and he gulped at the memory of he wrecking him at that night which cause TJ smirked out of satisfaction.

"...Baby your eyes says everything. You know damn well who am I to you. Are you in denial or you want me to say it out loud???...."

He said while putting his face dangerously close to his.

"....I don't know what you are talking about...."

Jade stuttered out causing him to smirked wider.

"....Ooooh it is cute that you are thinking you could fool me but baby you are a terrible lier so quit trying...."

He continued to step forward and he slowly pushed lJade against the wall behind him as he heard Jade's heart pounding like crazy. He didn't stopped there and leaned forward then pressed his lips extremely close to Jade's ear with a proud smile as he notice how easily his breath hitched at his small action. He took a deep breath filling his lungs with Jade's natural body fragrance causing body hair on Jade's neck sit straight of his skin like a small kitten.

"....Pretty boy, I know you're not that cheap to go fucking around. Therefore I suggest you to settle this without lowering your standards. Currently you are going through daniel phase baby, if you don't control yourself during that phase you will get STD in the end. If you want to test your sexuality, just call me you have my number. Don't Go whoring Around with random sluts...."

"....Why...why do you even care???...."

Jade manage to stutter out but which only cause TJ to smirked even more.

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