Chapter 3: The New Ozai Society

Start from the beginning

"I am so sorry to anyone who has been physically or mentally hurt today by the New Ozai Society. The Fire Nation will be fully responsible for re-importing everything that has been destroyed today. Shop owners and families of homes destroyed won't have to pay a dime." Fire Lord Zuko explained to the crowd of people from the festival. "It was under my knowledge that The New Ozai Society was defeated after its leader Ukano was imprisoned. However this is not the case. Today my good friend Toph Beifong was captured by these people. And let me assure everyone I will not stop fighting them until not only when she is safe, but once this society is destroyed forever. Anyone who dares join them will serve the consequences of the Fire Lord. I have beaten these thugs before and I will do it again." Zuko paused, he sounded so confident, but deep down I knew that he was terrified and broken. "For the members who were captured and defeated today by Team Avatar will face life in prison. Once again I am so sorry for what happened today. The Fire Festival is now over and I order that everyone goes home immediately. The Royal Family sends its condolences." Zuko then got down and walked away from the crowd.

The Fire Nation security had informed us that two innocent people were killed and 13 injured. My heart dropped when I heard this, but it mostly dropped for Zuko. I knew that he wasn't going to take this well. The walk back to the Royal Palace was so somber. We spent a good six hours searching the festival for evidence, trying to find any idea where Toph could be. We found nothing. While walking back Aang had his arm around Katara's waist and she had her head on his shoulder, they didn't even say a single word. As we were walking, I turned towards Zuko. "We'll figure something out." I told him, but he didn't reply. "Zuko," "What do you want Sokka!" He snapped at me, now standing still. "I want you not to give up. You rescued Kiyi from them and Tom-Tom. You had no idea where they were or who took them. But you saved them anyway. We are all going to need to focus if we want to get her back." No one said a word for a moment. "Sokka is right. Aang and Zuko, you've done this before. We ended the 100 year war. Us. If anyone can stop them it's us." Katara said letting go of Aang. "Now before we get to the Fire Palace we are going to make a plan. No one is going anywhere until a solid plan is made." Katara told everyone. Aang smiled a bit looking hopefully again, but Zuko did not take his eyes off of the ground. "Mai!" I yelled. "Yeah, what about her?" Katara asked. "Her dad is Ukano. Zuko, you told me that all he talks about in prison is how he can make it up to her." "And?" Zuko finally asked taking his eyes off of the ground. "We get Mai to make him tell everything that he knows about The New Ozai Society. He was their leader after all." "It won't work, he's too loyal." Zuko responded. "What if we promise him that Mai will visit him once a week if he tells us." Katara added. "Mai won't like this." Aang said. "Mai will do it, she'll hate me forever, but she will do it." Zuko said, sounding a bit more optimistic. "Ok we have our plan. Next stop Mai's house."

Zuko's POV

"I really hope this plan works." I told Sokka, "It will." He said, grabbing onto my hand and squeezed it. As we walked to Mai's he didn't let go of me. I wasn't the most physical guy, but I allowed Sokka to hold my hand. I know that he is probably really worried about me and I admired how calm he was during the situation at the festival. I accepted him to freak out, but he was the calmest one. Calmer than Aang, and that's saying something. So I knew that allowing Sokka to hold my hand would probably ease him a bit, I didn't want him to worry about me so much. But yet again, I kind-of like how protective he is over me. "We are here." I said finally letting go of Sokka. I knocked on the door three times and Mai opened it. "We need your help now." I said. "Can't this wait?" "No it can't." I told Mai everything that happened at the festival, she looked slightly terrified. "So The New Ozai Society is back and they have kidnapped Toph. I'm sorry that happened, but how does this affect me?" Katara looked like she was going to punch Mai when she said this, but Aang held her back. "We need you to talk to your father. To get him to tell you anything, something that could help us find Toph." Sokka explained. "I can't talk to my father. It won't work." "Mai Toph has been captured! They might kill her if we can't find her in time. She is fourteen Mai, FOURTEEN!" Katara yelled at her, but Mai's facial expression did not change. "All your father talks about in prison is you. If you agree to speak with him once a week he will tell you everything." Sokka added calmly. "Speak with him once a week!?" "Please Mai, we need your help." Katara said. "And you owe us. We helped you find Tom-Tom and now we need you to talk to your father." Aang added. "I'll talk with him. But the deal is once a month, not weekly." Mai agreed. "Thank you." I told her.

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