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The night was long.

Cleo continued smirking as she went deeper in the jungle.

"Welcome back dear." A voice spoke from above all of a sudden, but she was already used to it.
"Stop calling me that!" She rolled her eyes as the old vulture sat in front of her.
"Ignore my rudeness." He said smirking.
Then she saw two pairs of eyes behind Orat. More vultures?
Orat understood her gesture and spoke up," My my, forgive me yet again. I think I have not introduced my children to you, have I?"
"You have CHILDREN?! Since when?!" Now that was something surprising. For Cleo, Orat doesn't likely to be having a family or being a father. It was quiet amusing for her.
"And why do I hear amusement in your voice? Can I not be a father you think?"
"That was very harsh of you."
"Take it as a revenge for calling me 'dear'." She smirked.
Till then, the other two vultures had came forward.
One was rather chubby while the other was rather skinny.
"This is my daughter, Opal." Orat pointed to the chubby one.
"And that's Oran, my son."
Both the vultures bowed before Cleo, making her smirk.
"May I know the reason why you brought them with you?" She asked.
"Well you see, they're growing up and I am growing older. One day they will have to rule the Southern region. Although there is no rule that only the ruler's children need to lead; the strongest will be the one leading; but it will be something proud for our family if our children become the next rulers. So they need to learn what I do."
"And that's why you brought them here huh? Really?" She looked at them.
"Well then, did you have anything to report?" Orat asked her, totally skipping the topic.
"Yeah. They're exactly the way you said." She looked away.
"So you did not beleive me back then?"
"Bold of you to assume I beleived you even until now." She deadpanned.
"Ouch~" he said flinching away.
"But now I do." She said without showing any emotions.
Orat looked at her.
She sighed,"I saw them so close to each.... More importantly, I saw BAGHEERA so close to her."
"My my. It must have hurt you so much." He added," But why don't I see any stain of anger on your pretty face?"
She groaned," First of all, stop trying to be a flirty beak, your kids are here." Then she smiled,"And I don't feel angry because your plan is just perfect."
"Why thank you." He grinned.
Cleo ignored his gratitude and looked at Orat's so called 'children'. She didn't like the way they looked at her. As if they were looking at not a leopard larger than them, but at a little helpless cub. But then again, those who stay near Orat and he himself would never give a good vibe. So she decided to shook the feeling off.
"Well then....." she said," I'll be going now."
"Good night dear." Orat replied as she walked away. Her face was away from them, but Orat could almost see her roll her eyes.
He chuckled to himself. Youth. A time when your emotions take the best of you. All it needs is just a nudge. Cleo is not a difference either.
However, Orat has taken a liking on her, so he decided not to break her; like he often does.
"Ahem~" Opal tried to take his attention.
"Yes?" Orat asked, only to get a harsh peck at his site.
"Ouch! What was that for?" He groaned.
"What was that for!" She mocked him,"I'm your sister! Not your daughter, rockhead!"
"Yes your highness," Oran spoke up,"and I am Sundar, your loyal advisor, not Oran."
Orat rolled his eyes.
"My my you two. First of all you came in a wrong time, so I had to cover you two."
"But 'children', seriously brother? And stop calling us 'you two' ,we have names."
"Please sister, I had to do something."
Opal sighed in defeat.
"Now your highness, may I ask why did you hide our identity from her?" Sundar asked.
Orat sighed," You came here to ask me how the plan was going, right?"
Both nodded.
"Then how do you think it would have been if the leopard figured out our true plan?
Both stayed silent.
"Are we still going to work with her?" Opal asked suddenly.
"Of course, without her, our plan will never succeed."
"Hmph! As expected from my brother. Man I really want to see that leopard cry when we'll betray her." Opal snickered.
"I won't." Orat deadpanned.
"WHAT?!" The other two almost shouted.
"Indeed. I have decided to not break her down. We won't betray her." He said firmly.
"Wha-what? Why not? You always use other animals for your benefit and leave them to face nothing else than death! What has gotten into you brother?"
"My my don't worry sister. It will be a simple gratitude from us for helping us with our Mastermind." He smirked.
"Now that's very unlikely of my brother." She stated.
"Oh expect the unexpected from me."
Opal rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Anywho, Sundar." Orat called.
"I'll be keeping an eye on the leopard. Make sure the vultures are ready."
"Yes your highness!" Sundar replied while flying away to the Southern region.
"I still cannot beleive that you came up with such an excellent idea." Opal said.
"Why I will take it as a compliment."
An awkward silence wrapped them around as Orat started to think about something.
"Um, brother?" Opal tried to break the silence.
"Yes?" He replied absentmindedly.
"It is very unlikely of you, if you haven't make a back-up plan. Or... don't tell it's one of your 'expect the unexpected' thing."
"Wha- oh no no no! There is no plan without a back-up plan. And I just had the perfect one to come up with!" He smirked.
"So you didn't have one 'til now, huh?" She deadpanned.
But Orat was too excited to listen to her then. He needs to tell it to Cleo now.
"Now if you excuse me my dear sister, I need to share my plan with our special companion." He said as he flapped his wings.
"STOP CALLING ME 'YOUR DEAR SISTER', ROCKHEAD!!" Opal shouted to him as she watched him slowly dissapearing in the first rays of the sun.
"Damn, when did it turn dawn?" She thought to herself,"Meh, who cares. Hope that rockhead brother of mine has a good backup plan."

Cleo was lying on a tree branch as she saw the morning sun slowly spread her pretty light over the forest.
Now that she was alone, she thought the way Saya and Bagheera snuggled to each. It felt like Bagheera really enjoyed her company. Is she really doing the right thing by snatching him away from his lover? Maybe she really is not for him?
She sighed.
Suddenly a noise of flapping wings took her out of her mind.
"Good morning dear."
She groaned," I told you not to call me that Orat."
He chuckled as he seated himself on the branch beside her.
"Why are you here right now anyway?" She asked.
"Oh! Just to share something very important." He hopped and came closer to Cleo.
That took Cleo's attention and she sat up straight.
"What is it?"
"Well you see dear, we don- OUCH!!" Cleo hit his side with her paw.
"Call me 'dear' one more time, and you're gonna regret it for an eternity." She threatened.
"Alright alright, I wouldn't! Be nice to me, I'm really old you know." He groaned. The hit was pretty hard.
"Just tell me your 'something important' already." She demanded.
"Oh! It's a backup plan. We don't do any plan without a backup one."
"Okay. What is it?"
"Oh you're going to love it."

Cleo was pretty interested to know the backup plan. However, as she listened to Orat, she found herself speechless...

I'm flooding the story with ocs lol XD!!!

And we hit 600 reads! Yay! Thank you again! And I could finally update. I know, short chapter, but please go with it :')


Felines In Love : Bagheera x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin