A Broken Heart

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As Saya and Bagheera discussed about Saya's past, what they didn't know was that they have been spotted by a certain female leopard, who, was not really happy to see them together.

Cleo hated Saya from the day she got to know her. But the amount of hatred she was feeling now for Saya was beyond any description.
How could that dork try to get HER crush? She felt so frustrated.

Well, Cleo had overheard the conversation between them, but she was too much jealous to listen the whole thing. She left that place very quick, for she did not want to look at them any long. Deep down she might have been heartbroken, but she was too strong to sit down and sob like a cub.

Cleo looked at the scar on her side. Her mother used to tell her that she had a sister. A younger one, whom her mother could not save from the red flower which once burnt half of their homeland.

Often, at some point, Cleo would sit all alone and wonder if her sister is alive. And if she was alive, could Cleo reunite with her again and whether she would hate Saya as much as she does.

If my sister would have been alive, we,together,could have taken the perfect revenge from that brat.

She was visibly fuming.

"Cleo! Good morning!" A cheerful Scarface joined her. In response, she just growled in frustration.

Though Scarface could see his love was angry, he couldn't understand what was the reason she was angry about.
He was confused, but could not understand what to say right now.
He can't just simply ask her what she is angry about. But how would he help if he cannot understand her.

Cleo was not really happy at Scarface's company. She had only believed that she deserves the best. And Scarface was never the best as compared to Bagheera. All she wanted right now was to stay close to Bagheera. That's what she was thinking and that's why she went to find Bagheera. But all she found was a great amount of despair. Every single moment of Saya staying close to Bagheera was stinging her sharper than the sharpest thrones of her homeland and this jungle. Right now, all she wants is to crush Saya into pieces.
"Oh that bloody Saya!" Was all she could mutter under her breath, but it was loud enough for Scarface to hear.
But he did not dare to ask her. They walked through the jungle for sometime, which was enough for Scarface to lost in his thoughts.
As they walked alongside, Scarface started thinking about the relationship between Cleo and Saya. As far as he remembers, Saya, for some reason was a very weak hunter, which could have been the reason why Cleo teased her. She used to torment her, which would often turn into a life or death challenge for Saya. Like that time Cleo pushed her in a pond at their homeland. That, however made Scarface a little worried. Big cats hate water (except tigers of course). So it definitely was a deadly thing for Saya. Well.... no, not only for Saya, but also for any of them.

That was the time when Scarface did not had any feelings for any of the females. He often used to think why would Cleo do that to Saya. And Saya never actually stood against Cleo, maybe because she was weak, or maybe because she was less confident and scared.
Soon, he figured that both Cleo and Saya has feelings for him. Well, that's to be expected, after all, he was the most dominating and attractive male back in his homeland. So he decided to test them both. Soon, it turned out that Scarface was slowly falling for Cleo. It was pretty obvious, Cleo had that guts and charm, while Saya was a lot more shy. It can be also because, Scarface did not wanted to mate with a black panther. Anyway, soon Scarface became Cleo's mate.
And no sooner did he found that Cleo just tormented Saya for fun. Scarface, at first, did not appreciate it. But he did not wanted to break up with Cleo. And soon, Scarface turned a two-faced brat for Saya, or that's what atleast Saya says. But he didn't care much.
Then, he thought of the current situation. Cleo is angry on Saya. And he didn't know why. What could Saya do to make Cleo so irritated. As far as he knows, Saya would dare do to anything against her, for she knew what would come next. But Cleo isn't really humiliating Saya now, instead, she is keeping her anger in herself. That's not what Cleo does in case of Saya. It is never like her.
Finally, Scarface decided to not think anymore and ask her what was the problem.
"What happened honeyheart? What did that Saya do to you? Won't you tell your love?" He asked sweetly.
Well ,not very sweet for Cleo. She just needed one word to fuel her anger,'Saya', which Scarface successfully said. And the response came like an explosion.
"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM IDIOT?! CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU UGLY CREATURE???" She exploded like a thunder, making a lot of birds around them fly away.
She hated Scarface right now the most. She deserves the best, and Scarface is not the best. How could she have been so blind?

"Wha..what did you call me?" Scarface stepped back. Did she actually thought him like this?

On the other hand, Cleo knew the best way to let her anger go. She looked at confused Scarface, wearing a sinister grin.
"What do you think I just called you? Of course an ugly creature! Didn't you once said to me that I deserve the best? Well what do you think, I deserve you? You think you are the best? Well NO! You are not the best! You are nothing even near to best."
"B-But... you s-said you loved me." He sluttered, still couldn't believe it was happening in real.
"Well I lied, duh. You never attracted me. I just wanted to be your mate because you were the only available option to me. And you know the actual truth? I USED you! Honestly, you worth nothing to me. I deserve the BEST! And BAGHEERA is the best! Not you. I hate you the most!" She said coldly," so don't follow me around anymore, unless you want me to use you again!" She laughed evilly, and walked away, leaving Scarface all alone to proccess all those words.

Once Scarface realised that all of it was real, he slowly sat down, his expression blank. He felt that their is no aim in his life anymore. He sat their still, with nothing but only a huge pain in his chest. The pain was so unbearable, he wanted to cry, but something suppressed him not to, making the pain worst. Neither the chirping of the birds nor the foolish cheetal which sprinted past him made him even twitch his ears.
Scarface was not the type to feel anything rather than some basic feelings. But right now, he realised that his life just shattered into pieces in front of his eyes. But alas! Not a tear rolled down his dry eyes.
And there he sat,all alone by himself, with no one at his side to comfort him. He was alone, all by himself.......


This chapter was definitely boring. But I didn't wanted Scarface to be a villain. Sooo, I had to change the plot a bit.
And my exams ended! Yay! I'm gonna enjoy this month's holiday, and definitely update regularly now.
(Lot's of love from me!)


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