She didn't hear their quiet confusion when they saw all of the dead walkers, or when they saw that the chain T-Dog left on the door was on the ground, or when they saw Rosie curled up in a ball in Merle's place.

"Merle!" Daryl shouted.

Rosie heard that.

She shot up onto her knees and her eyes widened at the men on the roof in front of her. It was Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, and the pussy ass cop Merle was talking about!

Glenn, T-Dog, and the cop all looked at the girl, eyes wide, and she stared over at Merle's hand. The men followed her gaze and saw the hand lying on the ground.

She flinched when Daryl started screaming. "No! No!" he screamed, sounding like he might've been crying.

He looked up at the cop and T-Dog, who both looked guilty.

Then Daryl's eyes landed on Rosie. Her hands were covered with fresh-looking blood and she had small smears of it on her arms and shirt. It was Merle's blood. It must have gotten on her when Merle locked her to the pipe.

Daryl stomped over to Rosie, unbelievably angry. "The hell are you doin' here?!" he shouted.

Rosie cowered away from him. She'd never seen Daryl this angry before.

"The group's been goin' on an' on 'bout you! Had me searchin' the woods for yer ass all fuckin' day! Jesus Christ!"

"This is Rosie?" the cop asked in a much calmer voice.

"Yeah," T-Dog said in a confused tone. "What the hell happened? Why are you here? Where's Merle?"

Rosie didn't answer.

As Daryl stared between Rosie and Merle's severed hand, his breathing got quick and heavy, and soon enough, he raised his crossbow at T-Dog, who backed away quickly. His finger was on the trigger, ready to shoot. Rosie watched, somehow making herself even smaller, as the cop cocked his gun and aimed it at Daryl's head, making him freeze in place.

"I won't hesitate," the cop said. "I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." His voice was low and threatening.

Rosie's heart throbbed in her ribcage as she watched Daryl scrunch his face up with sadness before lowering his crossbow. She felt so guilty, remembering the hairpin she'd used to get onto the roof in the first place. Maybe if she was smarter, she could've helped Merle pick the lock. Then Merle would be safe. He wouldn't be bleeding out, and maybe he could have even gone back to camp with Daryl.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The cop lowered his weapon, too. Daryl sighed and looked down at the hand again. He turned to T-Dog. "You got a do-rag or somethin'?" he asked, much more calm than before. T-Dog handed him a blue bandana. Daryl picked up the hand by the pinky and dropped it onto the bandana before wrapping it up, muttering things to himself as he did it. He stood up and put the hand in Glenn's backpack, and Glenn didn't look too happy about it.

Daryl turned away and locked eyes with Rosie again. Neither of them said anything. Daryl glared at her, angry, but Rosie just looked sad and afraid.

She scooted backwards as the cop stepped closer to her. "What happened here, Rosie?" the cop asked her.

"You're the pussy ass cop that locked Merle up here," Rosie replied, furrowing her eyebrows at the man. The cop raised his eyebrows, a little shocked, while T-Dog and Glenn turned away to snicker.

"I'm Rick Grimes," Rick said, crouching down in front of Rosie. He gave a friendly smile, but Rosie just glared at him. "You know my son, Carl. I hear you punched him, actually."

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