𝛦⍺𝒔𝑡𝑒𝙧 𝕊ⲣ𝑒𝚌𝑖⍺/

Start from the beginning

"I won't play the prank again, alright?" I say. "I'm not so sure about Jacob, though."

Ezio sighs and shakes his head. "Devo vivere con questi pazzi... (I have to live with these crazy ass people)" I hear him mutter.

"Hey, I'm not cra-" I stop talking as I see Edward's face. "Okay, using me is a bad example. What about Aveline? She's not crazy."

Ezio ignores me and walks back to the kitchen, muttering things in Italian under his breath. Edward tries to go after him, but I grab his arm and say, "Leave him be. It's partially my fault anyway."


"Ezio, can I help you fix the pasta?" I ask. "I swear on the Norse pantheon I won't do it again."

Now when I swear on the entire Norse pantheon, everyone knows I'm sincere about it. So Ezio smiles and says, "It's okay, I'll fix it amico (friend)."

I nod and walk back up to my room, intent on checking if the new Witcher season is out yet. It's not, so I sigh and binge Family Guy. Again. "Hey Ash," Aveline says, knocking on the door a bit. "How're you doing?"

"Merda (shit)." I reply, annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Aveline asks, walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thinking of someone I dislike." I reply.


"Someone I used to call a friend, and then that 'friend' went and joked about me being suicidal to my other friends..."

"Name." Aveline is obviously trying to comfort me while being pissed off at the same time.

"Arthur, I think. It's been a while."

"Hm...I think the dinner's ready. You want to talk about it later?"

I nod, not wanting to cry in front of everyone like I did at Christmas. I sit down, feel the tears threaten to pour down my face and stamp them down. I'm not going to cry at a holiday dinner with everyone else...right?

"Ash?" Altaïr asks, looking concerned. "I'm okay." I reply, my voice steady. But I'm not okay. I'm thinking of all the shit that's happened recently. Celina. Sara and Josh. And of fucking course, my phone goes off in my pocket. "Shite," I seethe. "Sorry, I need to verbally wallop this guy. Be right back."

I take the call and hear Arthur. "The fuck do you want?" I snap. "I was having a good day man, I said not to contact me anymore."

The other end of the call is asking me why, and I was getting pissed off. "Look. Never call me again. And if you come to my house, I won't be so lenient. Now, good fucking day." I hang up and take a deep breath. I go back to the table, and see everyone looking at me with concern. "What?" I ask as I sit down. "I just had to threaten someone, don't look at me like that."

"Ash..." Aveline says. "You're sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You're not..."

"I told you, I'm fine." The words come out snappier than I intended...and Aveline looks even more concerned, with a bit of hurt now...

"I...I'm sorry..." I'm trying to find the words to comfort her, but I've never been the comforting type. "I didn't mean to...to snap..."

"We all know that..." Altaïr looks even more concerned. "What's wrong?"

"A piece of shit. Bitch tried to talk to me again." I grit my teeth and dig my nails into my palms. I just sit down and look at the food...I don't really have an appetite now...

"Ash..." Edward's shaking my shoulder...he's noticed... "Aren't you hungry..?"

I shake my head...feeling all the memories come flooding back...but I won't cry. Not this time. Shite...these people are going to be too much if this keeps going on...I look at my plate, thinking it over... "I'm...not hungry..."

Everyone stops their conversations and looks at me, concern in their eyes. "Ash..." Edward says this quietly, like he's about to break down crying... "You gotta eat...come on..."

I look at the food and grab some borscht off the table, ladling it into a mug. I sip the soup and nod... "Okay...I'll try..."

Timeskip brought to you by the writer going to another city on a school trip-

I look at the ceiling while lying on my bed...it's so empty...I go on my phone and mindlessly scroll through TikTok for a little bit...but then grab my earbuds out of my pocket and connect them to my phone...I then go onto Spotify and just turn on my sad playlist...

As I lay there, I feel tears well in my eyes...I wouldn't cry downstairs, but I would now...where I was safe and where I wouldn't be judged...My cat, Coco, comes out from under my bed and jumps up, giving me cuddles...I just pet her as I cry a little bit, trying to be as quiet as possible...but I don't think I was quiet enough...the door opens a bit. And then closes again...that's okay. I don't think anybody cares if I cry my eyes out...and for the first time, I felt...a tiny bit better...I look out the window beside me and it's a nice sunset out...I smile and think of the possibilities and chaos for tomorrow.


Aaand...it's finally done! (Not the collection, the special-) Merde, it took me so long to get the premise and stuff and even longer to write it...sorry-

Possible update coming soon? Maybe a face reveal? I don't think it's a good time yet, but possibly...I'll be on a school trip to another city from the 26th-28th. And for the fans of the Star Wars crossover (the Ezio x Reader), I'm working on it. I started working on it earlier today but I need ideas...

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