Act 10: The Ventus Pillar

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*Sailor Venus' POV*
The wind was so very strong here, and I had such an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach... Something evil was lurking here and it's not finished yet.
We studied the great pillar which was a pale pink in colour, but other than that there was nothing really special about it... No "great" power seemed to glow from it and there was no guardian.
And then we realized.
There was a dark round shape in the centre of the pillar, and when we looked closer we saw that it was a girl, curled up into a ball as if she was hiding or protecting herself from something.
"How would she have gotten in there?" Sailor Magellan, my daughter, questioned.
"In times of great peril... In order for the power of the pillar to be sealed, the guardian must seal herself within it. This happens through the power of the Nibiruean Crystal automatically when it senses danger." Princess Mina, my granddaughter stated.
"Are you saying that the Nibiruean Crystal has a... Conscience?" I asked, and she nodded in agreement.
"Yes, you are right. But this is only activated in it's true and most powerful form... If my mother was correct on the timelines of her stories, then you guys probably witnessed the true form of the crystal back in the twenty-first century... When she sacrificed herself during the final battle with King Lucifer."
I remembered then, when our souls were released and we witnessed the crystal swell and swallow Sailor Nibiru into it... It didn't seem like she was really controlling what was going on.
"So what do we do now?" Sailor Uranus questioned.
"We came here to complete our mission... We must destroy the pillar." Princess Mina concluded.
"Wait! But what about that girl inside?!" I frantically cried. "We can't risk killing her!"
"It must be done, both Sailor Ventus and the Ventus Pillar must be destroyed in order to prevent the destruction of other planets... Including Earth." Mina exclaimed, and reluctantly I had to agree... I knew my main mission was to protect my princess, my queen... Usagi.
We all gathered around the pillar preparing to use our attacks on it to destroy it, but then we were startled by a great wind that nearly knocked us all off of our feet. The wind was black and thick and awfully cold, my senses were gone mad with a dark presence. This wind would bring about something evil, and I could tell by the look on Sailor Uranus' face, that this really wasn't good.
The wind began to swirl in one area and then it began to form into something much larger and much much more lethal.
"LOOK OUT!!!" Sailor Titania cried. "IT'S A TORNADO!!!"
"Run!!!" Uranus yelled.
We all ran in the opposite direction, but the wind from the tornado became stronger and stronger and began to pull is back until we all became airborne and were sucked into the massive tornado.
It felt as if my body was being torn to shreds, and I could hear the screams of everyone around me... But I had to stay strong and I had to finish my mission.
"VENUS LOVE-ME CHAIN!" I sent my chain out and it wrapped around the pillar, I pulled and pulled and managed to exit from the tornado, but I was still being sucked into it.
I started to lose hope because I didn't have the strength to pull myself any further and I was just about half way there. So I decided to try from where I was... I just had to.
"VENUS LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!!" I sent the orb of love towards the pillar and when it hit there was a great explosion, the pillar was now cracked straight through and just needed one little push to fall over and be destroyed.
I looked behind me when I noticed a tugging on my chain, it was Sailor Uranus nearing towards me. She raised her hand and concentrated hard.
"URANUS WORLD SHAKING!!!" Her attack hit and my chain let go, we were sucked back into the tornado... But it didn't last long, it quickly dissipated... And we began falling towards the ground, I was terrified knowing that my death was just a few hundred feet below me but I was relieved to know we had finished our part of the mission.
Then, I noticed black human-sized capsules appearing and I saw Uranus and Magellan fall into their own and disappear , and then one appeared below me.
I slammed into it and it shut, as darkness blanketed me.

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