5: broken arsenal

Start from the beginning

Barry ran me to the Hideout, Oliver was looking at what we have "it's a good selection, how long have you been doing this?" Asked Oliver, I plopped my bag on the ground "about a year" I informed, Beacon hills doesn't really have much crime, so we don't need much. "Well you should both get going, your citys need you" I said, Oliver's probably fighting some big bad right now, but I know Barry's jut dealing with a meta or two. "Ya I guess, is Roy going to be ok?" Asked Oliver, Oliver cares about Roy, Strange for an older brother to like his sisters ex "he'll be ok, I'll make sure of it" I assured, Barry ran them out of the hide out, I'm kind of glad this happened "Why is the door broken?!" I yelled, how did I not notice that?

Felicity Smoke, me and the rest of the team were at our hotel. I've hacked into Lydia's camras in the Hideout... and her apartment "what ya doing?" Asked Oliver, Oliver was back from Beacon Hills, Barry brought him back. "Just Spying on Roy and Lydia" I informed, it's more creepy then I thought it would be. "Roy's waking up" I noted, Thea quickly walked over here, surprisingly she held herself back from running "your Spying on Roy and Lydia? I'll Join!" Said Thea, I full screened the camera "your up" said Lydia, Roy stretched and straighten as he got up "what happened again? I remember Oliver and Argent but nothing else" informed Roy, he keeps calling Double down Argent, I guess that's another name he goes by "nothing Really, you Barely fought Argent and Oliver had to save your ass" informed Lydia, Thea chuckled a little, I saw an almost smile on Oliver's face "so like old times, got it" Said Roy, Roy did need saving a lot. Thea broke down laughing and Oliver chuckled once
"Why is the door broken?" Asked Lydia, there was a door laying on the floor "I needed my suit and I couldn't find the keys so.." explained Roy, he seriously broke down the door "that's because I took them, but I should of suspected that you would do this" said Lydia, it does sound like Roy. "hay what made you like this? Run head first into danger no worry about yourself?" Asked Lydia, It's believable that Roy's like that, because he was like that a lot. Roy threw off the top part of the suit and put on a hoodie, surprisingly not red "I just realised that I..it didn't matter, I just wanted to help people... no matter the cost" informed Roy, Roy seemed off now, Voice a little different and he said it slowly, but we know why. That video, when he realised he didn't matter, but he does. There was no trace of laugher here "ok, we should get going home" said Lydia, thank god she didn't try to push for more information. "Na I'm good here" mumbled Roy, He picked up an arrow and fiddled with it, Lydia took it out of his hands "Roy harper you are coming to my home, I am not leaving you and your stupidity alone" Said Lydia, she put the arrow back, Picked up her bag and started dragging Roy out.

Thea queen, Lydia and Roy should be almost at the apartment now, and we were all going to watch, we had popcorn ready "we really shouldn't be watching them" said Diggle, Lydia entered the Apartment and she dragged Roy in, did she drag him the whole way there? "how the hell could you do that!" Yelled Lydia, what happened?! We were all paying attention now "Lydia do we have to do this?" Groaned Roy, do what?! Lydia hit him Multiple times, Roy just sighed "you could of gotten yourself killed! And I know that look when you were hanging off the edge, you wanted to let go!" Yelled Lydia, she knows that look aswell? Has he tried anything like that? "I Didn't want Argent to have the satisfaction in killing me! And I was fine" said Roy, the satisfaction? Roy sat down and watched Lydia pace "Fine?! Roy you were being destroyed, if you somehow didn't get a phone you wouldn't of gotten out of there! And you wouldn't of survived if I was at Cait's and not S.T.A.R Labs? You would of been dead!" Yelled Lydia, was he really that close to dying? I mean he was close but that close? "Lydia" sighed Roy, it seems like they've done this multiple times "why can't you just care about yourself?!" Yelled Lydia, what? I get that Roy takes risks but he cares about himself. Roy stood up "why should I?! I am legally Dead Lydia! I can't go by my real name! I can't see the people I care about! And I've killed so many people, first when-" Yelled Roy, first? Has he killed more people since the cop? Not that I blame him, he wouldn't kill anyone "first? Roy is that why you've been so different Since the Kaduna?" Asked Lydia, Kaduna? What's that? "Ya... I was forced onto this drug and I went crazy, some cops attacked me and... and I did it, I didn't remember it until Oliver helped me remember, for good reason" Roy explained, he told her? I didn't expect that "Roy..." said Lydia, she sounded like she's just hit a brick wall. "...I'm going to go to bed, Don't worry I'll still go, I might be late though" Said Roy, go where? He walked off, Lydia sat down and had her head in her hands. "So Roy's depressed and Doesn't take care of himself" I said, I didn't think it would be this bad for him! He seemed ok... six months ago. "And he's obviously been through something that made him kill someone" said Oliver, I got up and Shoved Clothes into my bag, I'm going there. "I'm going! At first I'll keep my distant, keep an eye on him, and search for Double down-" I rattled off, I need to go, he's not being safe! I grabbed another bag and shoved my suit in there "speedy" said Oliver, He grabbed my hand, taking the bags out of my grasp "I need to go Ollie!" I yelled, I love him! I love him so much and seeing him like that kills me! I can't just leave him like that "I'm not expecting you not too, but I'm coming with you" Said Oliver, ok ok, it will be easier to make sure Roy cleans up his act. "I care about him aswell you know... and he's there because of me" said Oliver, I can't- well ya I can believe that he would do something that stupid but still! He gave his life up for my brother. "Well let's get packing, it's going to be a drive and I want to get there as fast as possible" said Oliver, I agree with that, it seems like Roy's mental health is at a low.

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