Chapter 3: Moon Wing

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TheeLei lay flat against the ground. Her wings were spread slightly, her sky-blue scales catching the silvery glow of the two moons high in the sky. Her breaths were deep and focused, the fire sacks in her neck expanding and deflating with each breath. Her heart thudded through her chest, and the tip of her tail twitched with every anxious moment.

In her talons she clutched a small black device. It had a red light blinking at the front, and spouted a static noise that reminded her of the sound of falling water. Carefully, her sharp talons feeling incredibly unwieldy at this moment, she turned on of the dials at the top of the Iveluvss, or 'radio' as the Yovess called them. The static noise winced and shifted but didn't fade. Her tail flicked again, annoyed.

The sound of scales sliding against stone caused her to look up. A red Raess sidled up next to her. Larger than her, with sharp horns and the spikes on his back silhouetted against the moonlight. His head was looking out over their quarry, not far away now. The rocky stone ground they were currently laying upon fell away into a long drop, a ravine that cut the land in two. They were near where the ravine ended, and where there attack would begin.

"TheeLei," the red Raess muttered, "Are you able to get anything?"

"Nothing yet," she replied, "It can be... difficult."

A sigh caused the massive red form to shudder as he looked back over his shoulder at the remaining party. A dozen red and blue faces looked back, hiding the best they could amongst the brown of the boulders. TheeLei felt her nervousness spike at the knowledge that they were all waiting for her. She was the only one that could give the go ahead.

"Relax yourself, TheeLei, focus. You are the only one that can do this."

"Yes, GaavTo, I know," she didn't feel like snapping at him that his pressuring wasn't helping.

She lowered her head, glaring at the device in her talons, as she slowly moved the dial at the top. Suddenly, through the static, a voice blared out. The blue dragon flinched at the noise, before a smile pulled over her snout as the disrupted voice began to speak. GaavTo, seeing her excitement, lowered his head to listen to the radio as well.

"What are they saying?"

"Give me a moment," she rumbled, as she listened.

The language of the Yovess was difficult to understand at the best of times. After two years of studying the language, TheeLei didn't feel she understood it nearly enough. The limited resources didn't help. But while she couldn't exactly say she was fluid in the language, she understood enough to be able to get the general meaning of whatever was going through. It didn't help that the language felt so sharp to say, and unrhythmic to listen to.

"They... are talking about... its nearly time to change shifts..." the young Raess began to translate, "Switch weapons... I think. They have yet to see anything out of the ordinary. One is... looking forward to eat. A quite night."

She looked at the scaled figure beside her as he listened slowly.

"The change of shifts. Hmm," GaavTo went silent for several moments, "Keep listening TheeLei. Let me know if anything changes."

The red Raess turned back to the small attack party, "Alright, they are about to change shifts now. If nothing changes, we wait another hour. Then we attack. For now, we are to get into position. Be careful, don't be spotted, and no flying until the last moment."

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