Part 9

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It wasn't pretty.

Seeing the ax break his skull, blood squirting out almost instantly. How he didn't even have a chance to make a sound as he was struck with the dull blade of the weapon. He fell to the hard ground as more crimson blood pooled out of him, serving as a liquidy pillow of horrors. The sound too. The sound of bone smashing and cracking on impact, brain matter and tissue askue. It was deafening. Curtis' ears rang as he panted, seeing Jerry's body hit the ground. There was blood everywhere, or so it seemed, the soft, wet sound of adjusting flesh filling his ears. Curtis propped his foot on the man's back, using the momentum to yank the ax out of his skull. He allowed himself a small smile as he raised it over his head quickly, blood following and forming a crimson rainbow above him before it rained down on him. He grinned and brought the ax down once more, blood spurting over him. He gasped lightly at the warmness, trying to drive the ax in more. The sickening sound echoed all around him, urging him to impale the horrible doctor again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

It felt amazing and he wanted more. But all good things must come to an end, apparently. Curtis panted more, holding the ax closely as he stared at the corpse at his feet. He didn't feel affected, not one bit. He had already left the doctor, and was now with Erik. He didn't... He didn't feel anything. Curtis felt blood drip down his face, the warmness overwhelming all senses. He sighed, seeing that his abuser was now dead and gone. He didn't know what to think. Curtis then heard a loud gasp behind him, followed by a scream.

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