Part 6

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Curtis woke up still in the closet, his body screaming in pain. He struggled to get up, his back still burning from the beating. He was used to it though... Just as he steadied himself, his phone went off, signalling that he was being called.

"Hey, Erik." Curtis said, trying to sound like everything was ok.

And that he wasn't hurt, or so very tired, or that he wasn't beaten by his own belt just hours ago.

"Hi, Curtis. Uh, would you like to meet up at Whataburger? It's almost twelve." Erik said, sounding a bit off.

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll see ya there." Curtis said.

He hoped the bruise on his arm wasn't too noticeable...

-At Whataburger-

Erik walked into the restaurant, seeing that Curtis was already there, waving his hand at him like a child. Erik rolled his eyes, not surprised at all. Once they ordered and sat down, they ate and talked about random things like usual. Erik was only half paying attention, his eyes periodically flickering to the bruise on Curtis' arm. It was a dark purple, matching his tie. (An: I don't think Curtis wears a purple tie usually, but in this fic he does XD) He was trying not to look nervous as he wondered how to bring up the problem at hand. He now knew about what Jerry was doing to his friend, and it didn't look like it, but he was pissed off. He decided to come out and just say it, but he wanted to test and see how deep Curtis was into this mess.

"Curtis, how did you get that nasty bruise?" Erik asked, trying to sound innocent.

Curtis was taken back just a bit, stuttering.

"W-Well, I... I hit it on... a door." Curtis tried to lie, knowing that Erik would see right through it.

But he didn't know that Erik knew the real answer.

"Ah, I see..." Erik said, nodding.

It hurt to see Curtis like this. He was usually so strong and crazy and independent. But not anymore. Jerry had ruined him. Erik was seething with anger, knowing how Jerry treated him. But he didn't know everything that Jerry had done, just that Jerry had had done something horrible last night.

"E-Erik..." Curtis asked, sounding anxious and a bit worried, "What's wrong?"

With a sigh, Erik finally admitted it.

"Curtis, I know."

"Know what?" Curtis tried to play dumb.

"I know that he's abusing you." Erik said.

It was suddenly quiet between the two, Curtis shaking his head.

"He-He doesn't abuse me! He's just a bit tempered, that all!"

"Curtis, I saw it! You left in such a hurry that you forgot your knife! I went over to your house to give it back when I heard yelling and crying., and I-... I should have helped..." Erik said, voice first stern and a bit angry, but ended sad and regretful. "And I'm sorry. I panicked and... I was shocked. But I know that's no excuse for not helping..."

Curtis didn't know how to respond to this, staring at Erik, he was surprise. He... He heard that?

"I... I'm fine. He loves me, he would never-"

"Shut up and listen to me. You can't stay with him! You need to get out of this bad situation!"

"I-It's not bad, I just-"

"What did he do to you?" Erik asked sternly, giving Curtis a look that let him know it was serious.

"I-It was nothing! It was just... Just a stupid fight, ok!?" Curtis said.

As expected, Curtis instantly defended Jerry, crossing his arms and ending the conversation. But Erik would have none of that. He cared too much for this man. Erik couldn't help but feel lightning shoot through him as he slowly grabbed Curtis' hand.

"Curtis, look at me." Curtis looked at him. "After we eat, we are going to my house."


"And we are going to talk-"

"Oh please no..."

"And I am going to help you."

"Oh god, I can't. I can't do this."

Erik rubbed his thumb over Curtis' hand, making him blush slightly.

"Yes you can." Erik said, "I can help you."

Curtis slowly nodded, agreeing to his friend's terms.

-At Erik And Kaley's House-

Curtis was sitting on the couch, looking at his hands as Erik and Kaley whispered in the kitchen. Erik was currently informing her of what was happening, and how Curtis was going to tell them what had been going on. He and Kaley walked in, her eyes tearful as she covered her mouth. She shook her head, walking over to him and pulling Curtis into a hug.

"Oh my god, you poor baby! I-I'm so sorry!" She said, hugging him.

Curtis sniffled, hugging back.

Curtis then began to tell them what had happened.About how Jerry had almost suddenly became violent. And how he would talk down to him, hit him, molest him, and what he did recently.

"H-He what!?" Erik asked, anger in his voice.

How could that bastard do that to Curtis!? His best friend was being beaten and raped right under his nose and he never even knew! How could he had been so blind!?

"I-I'm sorry, Erik!" Curtis said, pulling him into a hug. "I should've told you!"

Erik felt butterflies in his stomach, rubbing Curtis' back affectionately.

"It's ok, Curtis. I understand it can be hard to admit. But, you have to get out of this relationship!"

"B-But I don't know how!" Curtis suddenly admitted.

Curtis showed his true emotions, sounding scared and torn between two different types of love.

Erik nodded,

"Well I can show you how."

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