34. Mr. Bad Liar

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They slowly got down from the motorboat and walked towards the tables. A man in his mind 30s entered the place and handed them over a water bottle. "I'm Suraj Roy, the manager sir. I hope you had a memorable journey, sir." Abhimanyu who was smiling suddenly looked like he remembered the journey and the color of his face changed. Akshara was quick enough to jump into the conversation before Abhimanyu would pounce on the manager.

"It was wonderful," She smiled at him and looked around. The place was extremely beautiful. One side with a lake and an artificial fountain. The other side with a gazebo and there was a small but lavish-looking rooftop building where they were headed for dinner. She loved the place. Maybe more than her husband at the moment.

Abhimanyu and Akshara settled down for dinner. He had been looking forward to this moment for some time; he had been dreaming about it for days. As he sat down, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, feeling the tension in his body melting away. He was ready to enjoy this well-deserved dinner after adventure with her.

Akshara was overwhelmed by Abhimanyu's gesture. She had never expected him to do something so romantic just out of books, she just thanked her lucky stars for bringing Abhimanyu into her life. Akshara couldn't help but think that she was the luckiest girl in the world "That's right, I had just hit the jackpot - husband with a heart of gold!" she thought to herself. "Thank you," She said looking around the setup. Akshara was so overwhelmed, She held his hands and continued, "I feel better now." she held his hand in assurance.

Akshara knew after all these arrangements were just to cheer her up. The place was silent for a few minutes, after Abhimanyu made sure no one was around he slowly started speaking, grabbing her whole attention.

"When things were difficult, I always felt alone. Things were more difficult because I was alone. But, after I met you, I didn't feel that way." Abhimanyu squeezed her hands, emphasizing his point. "I hope you can feel the same. When you are down, don't forget there's always someone cheering you on. And that someone is me." He said looking at her and within a moment the waiter arrived making the atmosphere a little more awkward. She looked at him and smiled."Did I bore her?" He thought to himself, wondering what to conclude about this silence. The waiter served the food and left the place.

Abhimanyu looked at the food not knowing what to say next, coughed a little, andwent on, "Now, let's get back to the topic at hand - the food! I'm starving!" Akshara glanced at him with a chuckle and started her meal. "It looks really delicious!" Abhimanyu remarked, as he eagerly began to eat. Akshara watched in awe, not quite sure what to make of the sudden change in Abhimanyu's demeanor. "Umm...I'm glad you're enjoying it! After all, the menu was your choice right?" she said, stifling a laugh.

After that, neither talked much. A strange silence settled down a few minutes later and it was replaced with some soft music. She smiled, her eyes twinkling, as if she enjoyed the moment and his company. "People feel better when someone sides with them," Akshara chuckled breaking the ice and awkwardness. "It's comforting," she added, her voice still warm and inviting. Abhimanyu experienced a sensation like never before - an inexplicable warmth washing over him as he reveled in the beauty of the moment. Abhimanyu smiled held her gaze and felt his heart swell with emotion. He knew at that moment that he was in the right place. Akshara smiled back, her eyes twinkling in the light.

Abhimanyu reached out and held her hand. His grip was firm but gentle. She squeezed his hand, a gesture of assurance and comfort. They stood there, hand in hand, feeling each other's warmth. A peaceful silence ensued, broken only by the sound of birds chirping in nearby trees. "Let's walk around?" Akshara looked at him with puppy eyes expecting him to accept that. Abhimanyu smiled and nodded his head. They started walking slowly, hand in hand, around the park, feeling the warmth of the sun and the calmness that filled the air. They stopped at the lake, and both gazed at the reflection of the setting sun on the shimmering waters. They stayed like that for some time, taking in the beauty of the surroundings.

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