Maria and Prince James

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They went into the castle. Horses and colourful hunting dogs were asleep in the courtyard. Pigeons, with their little heads stuck under their wings, were sitting on the roof.

As he walked inside, the flies on the wall, the fire in the kitchen, the cook, and the maid were all asleep.

He walked further. All the attendants were asleep and still further, the king and the queen. It was so quiet that he could hear his own breath.

Finally, he came to the old tower where Maria was lying asleep.

James was so amazed at her beauty that he bent over and kissed her. 

After he kissed Maria, she yawn and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Who are you and How did my kingdom fall into ruin?" questioned Maria to James.

"My name is Prince James and your kingdom fell into ruin because of an evil fairy." James replied.

"If you woke me up by true love's kiss, then I wonder if the spell is broken." said Maria wondering if her kingdom would restore.

To her surprise, the castle returned to its former glory and everyone in the kingdom woke up from their eternal slumber.

Even the hedges were restored with the thorns no longer in sight. 

Sleeping MariaWhere stories live. Discover now