A Kingdom in Slumber

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The moment the news of the princess in her curse was announced, the king, the queen, and their attendants returned and everyone began to fall asleep.

This even affected the horses in the stables, the pigeons on the roof, the dogs in the courtyard, and the flies on the walls.

Even the fire on the hearth flickered, stopped moving, and fell asleep. The roast stopped sizzling. The chef let go of the kitchen boy, whose hair she was about to pull. 

The maid dropped the chicken that she was plucking.

When everyone in the kingdom slept, a large thorn hedge grew up around the entire castle, growing higher and higher until nothing at all could be seen of it.

The many princes from their respective kingdoms were told of the tale of the beautiful Princess Maria, and they came and tried to rescue her, but they could not penetrate the hedge.

It was as if the thorns were firmly attached to hands. The princes became stuck in them, and they all died a horrible death.

And thus it continued for many months.

Sleeping MariaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon