Look behind you...part two...

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It had been a week since the party, a week of Chris' comments replaying over in your head like a broken record and no matter how many times he called or stood on the other side of your front door, you couldn't bring yourself to open up to him.


"Hey stranger!" You exclaim as you plop yourself down opposite the other Evans, the incomparable Scotty. "Hey y/n, thanks so much for agreeing to lunch". "Come on, how could I pass up brunch with my bestie". Scott sighs, "I do have an ulterior motive", "I figured as much, but I don't want to hear it Scott. If you think what happened was ok then as far as I'm concerned you are dead to me, just as he is." He looks at me stunned for a moment before I give him an ultimatum "so we can either have a nice brunch, or I can get up and walk out of your life for good, your call."

I know he's only looking out for Chris, but I'm secretly praying he doesn't bail, I don't think I could bear to lose them both in the space of a week. "Mimosa?", he smiles and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. The rest of the brunch was easy, and for a moment I could pretend everything was ok, but I can't help every time I look at him I see Chris and it hurts, more than I'd like to admit.

Chris's POV

I'm pacing up and down the kitchen, I can't keep still whilst I wait for Scott to show up. "Chris?", "in the kitchen" I shout. "Boy did you screw up" Scott sighs looking somewhat deflated. "You don't think I know that? I've lost y/n and I'm scared I'll never get her back, I need her to know I didn't mean what I said. Did you tell her?" "I tried" Scott says, "What does that mean?" I snap before Scott turns to me "she didn't want to hear it, she told me if I brought it up then she'd get up and walk out of my life forever, your my brother but I can't let her lose another person, I just can't" he whispers. "So that's it? Scott I love her, I always have."

"I know you do, but even I don't understand why you said what you did, so how can you expect her to?" "I just wanted to put Ryan off, the thought of her with anyone else physically hurts." Scott walks over to me, "I know you are sorry but you need to give her time, you know y/n and how stubborn she can be, she's not one for second chances, so you're gonna have to hope she rethinks that ideology." I know he's right but the idea of not seeing her, not hearing her snort when she laughs or seems to spill every drink she has on her, it kills me.

*Time skip - 8 Months*


"Ahhh Scotty I can't believe you are getting married! I'm so happy for you and Steve." I shriek whilst hugging him. "I want to ask you something y/n, but I...", "come on Scott it's me, you can ask me anything." "Will you be my maid of honour?" He says whilst looking down at his hands. "Of course, it would be my honour, did you think I'd say no?" "Well no but.." and then it dawns on me, "hold on aren't you having a best man", "I am, to hell with tradition I'm having both!" "So that means..." I sigh and Scott finishes my sentence "you'll have to see Chris and walk down the aisle with him", to which I groan "Scotttt?!"

"Please y/n, I know it's been months since you've seen each other, but I can't not get married without you by my side." He looks dejected, and I can't bring myself to disappoint him, he means too much "then I'll be there every step of the way" I smile. Now I just have to get over the idea of walking down an aisle with the man who was my everything, until he wasn't.

*Time Skip - 2 months*


Well today is the big day and I'm more nervous than Scott is, I feel like I'm going to be sick, the thought of seeing Chris makes my stomach flip, I haven't seen him in 10 months since that night. That's not to say I haven't let myself cave and have a peek online as to what he may be up to, as far as I can see he's not been linked to anyone all this time, but that's not to say he won't have a date with him today, and I don't know what I'll do if he does. It's time, I have to go see Scott in his dressing room for final touches and as I enter it's as if time stood still and we were the only ones in the universe.

Chris's POV

"She said she was still coming right?" "Yes for the millionth time" Scott snaps. I know he's stressed and I'm not being the greatest best man right now but my anxiety is getting harder to keep in check, but before I have the chance to freak out anymore the door opens and the woman I've been in love with since high school stands in front of me once more. She looks so beautiful, not that she didn't before but it's been so long her face started to fade in my memory other than what I had in photos on my phone.

"Hi" I whisper, before she seems to snap out of it and walks over to Scott. "There's the groom, let me fix your tie, you guys could never do them to save your life" y/n giggles before fixing Scott's tie. "Much better" she smiles before turning to me to fix mine and it's as if the winds been knocked out of me, I'm finding it hard to stand let alone speak. Just as she's about to say something we're interrupted telling us the ceremony is due to start.


As we're at the top of the aisle waiting for the ceremony to begin Chris turns to me and says "you know, I always pictured us walking down the aisle...just didn't think it would be like this." I'm rendered speechless and glassy eyed whilst this man brings about a revelation. "Chris...I..." and just like that the music begins not even allowing me to answer.

The next few hours pass in a whirlwind of vows, photographs, speeches and more, so much so I don't even have a chance to contemplate what Chris said, let alone respond...I need to find him and find out what he meant but before I know it I'm being dragged into another conversation.

Chris's POV

A few hours pass by and y/n still hasn't spoke to me, it's like she's enjoying the torture, flirting with Scott's friends, jealousy is getting the better of me so I look for the only solution to hand...more alcohol.

"Hey, there's the best man, where you been hiding?" Scott exclaims! "Around", "someone's moody, what's up?" Scott asks. "What do you think, the whole day I've had to be around y/n and can't even seem to get 2 seconds alone with her..." "umm Chris..." Scott interrupts, but it's like I have word vomit. "No Scott, I haven't even had the chance to tell her how sorry I am, how I never meant the things I said and that I only did it to throw Ryan off because no one is good enough for her." "Chris...you really" Scott interrupts again. "Dammit Scott, just stop. What am I supposed to do, I've been in love with her for over 10 years and too damn scared and now I've fucked up to the point the love of my life won't even talk to me or see me.

"Chris!!!!" "What?!" I scream back at Scott before I hear y/n's voice "behind you". I turn to find her standing there, she looks stunned, a blank expression, what do I do? But before I have a chance to utter another word I'm met with y/n's lips crashing against mine.


It's not logic, it's love. Chris's confession told me all I needed to know, and so I acted in impulse and there my lips against the one's I've been waiting to kiss since we were two stupid teenagers. I worry that I've made a mistake as I start to pull back but my fears are immediately dismissed when Chris grabs me by the waist pulling me against him. All that pent up anger and hurt dissolves as I melt into his arms...it's all I've ever wanted.

A/N: Sorry this took so long and sorry if it's rubbish, I was struggling to finish it!

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