Captiolo (44) Quarantaquattro ~ Unknown Number

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"This place is awesome!" Harley yelled as he ran around the house, a large smile on his face.

"I'm glad you like it." I laughed, reaching for my buzzing phone. "Oh, Harley, can you make sure Morgan's settling in alright? I've gotta answer this."

"Yeah." He nodded, walking off.

"Hey, Tony." I sighed.

"Hey. Kid's giving you trouble?"

"No, just hyperactive. Especially Harley." I chuckled. "How're things going over there?"

"Well, have you seen the news recently?"

"No, why?"

"Rogers, Wilson, and Olivia all went to get their buddy. Rhodey and German special forces got 'em, as well as the new King of Wakanda."

"Shit," I mumbled, moving to sit at the dining table.

"Yeah. I'm waiting for Ross's call now. He's going to give me hell."

"I bet. Anything I can do from here?"

"Mind putting the kids on the phone? I wanna know what they think of the new place."

"Sure." I smiled, bringing the phone away from my ear. "Morgan, Harley! Come talk to Tony!"

I laughed as I heard the sound of rushing feet, quickly putting my phone on speaker.

"Dad!" "Tony!" They cheered as they rounded the corner.

"Hey, guys! How's the house? I hope it looks good 'cause I spent way too much on it."

"It's so cool, Tony!"

"Yeah! And the yard is so big, I can have my tea parties outside!"

"Well, at least you two like it."

"We love it!" Morgan cheered.

"Good. Has Jarvis shown you everything yet?"

"Yeah, he even showed us the panic room." Harley nodded.

"Which I think is a little excessive, Tony." I chimed in.

"Well, sorry for caring about your safety." He snarked. "It'll make me feel better whenever I'm out."

"We're perfectly safe out here in the middle of nowhere New York," I smirked.

"Honey, we've been over this. You're never completely safe when I'm around." I rolled my eyes at this but didn't say anything. "Anyways, I'll try and get back to you guys soon. I'm hoping to get the three misfits to sign the Accords, send Barnes to the nut house, and then come back to you three."

"Dad, can you play with me when you get home?" Morgan asked, holding onto my arm so she could pull herself closer to the phone.

"Sure thing, kid. Harley, if you want you can help me with a new project of mine when I get back. How's that sound?"

"Sounds awesome! Thanks, Tony!" He smiled.

"Don't mention it. I've gotta go. Ross is finally ringing me. I'll talk to you all later."

"Bye, hun." "By dad!" "By Tony!" We all said.

I looked down at the two kids in front of me as I hung up the phone, an idea coming to mind as I looked at their faces.

"You guys wanna make some brownies?"


The kids and I sat in the living room, all doing our own things while we waited for the brownies to bake. Morgan was playing on the floor with some new dolls Tony had got her, and Harley was beside me on the couch messing with whatever piece of tech Tony had left for him in his room. I sat in the corner of the L-shaped couch, my eyes going between the book in my lap and the television hanging on the opposite wall, the news playing on mute.

My eyes were then directed to my now buzzing phone, an unknown number appearing on the screen. With furrowed brows, I glanced at the two kids, setting my book down and leaving the couch, walking into the connected kitchen area.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Um, h-hi. Is this Ms. Avery Lynn?" An unfamiliar female voice asked.

"It is. Who am I speaking to?"

"Right, right, sorry. You won't know who I am, would you." She rambled. "I'm Emily Keener. Harley's mother."

My heart stopped at the information, my breath catching in my throat as I glanced at Harley on the couch, now talking with Morgan.

"What can I do for you, Mrs. Keener?" I asked, my voice hushed for fear of Harley overhearing.

"It's more of what I can do for you, Ms. Lynn. I've heard from the O'Donald's that you and Mr. Stark have taken a liking to my boy. That's why I sent him over to you those couple of months ago. I know it's a long shot, but I want what's best for my children. That's why I need to ask you something."

"And what would that be, Mrs. Keener?"

"I wanted to ask if you and Mr. Stark would adopt my Harley." The woman said, making me freeze.

"Excuse me?"

"Well I've already asked the O'Donald's if they'd adopt Lily, and after some talkin', they agreed. Thought I'd try my hand with you."

"Why are you doing this?" I shook my head in confusion.

"I haven't heard from my children in months. To be honest, I think it's for the best. I haven't been the best mother to them, especially to Harley, and they deserve better. They deserve a family that doesn't abandon or cheat them. I'm hoping that's you and Mr. Stark."

"And why can't it be you?" I shot back.

"Because I'm in deep with my bebt. Don't think I'll be able to get out of it for a while. And before you offer, no I will not be taking any charity. I need to handle this myself. I already owe a bunch to my friend who's letting me crash on her couch."

My tongue was caught in my mouth at her words, and I had to choke back the offer of taking care of her money issue.

"I know you already have that young girl of Stark's to worry about, but Harley doesn't cause much trouble. I'm sure you know that already, though."

"I..." I trailed off, looking behind me and watching Harley reluctantly play with Morgan. "Are you sure about this?"

"My kid is smart. He deserves people that'll help him succeed in life. That's not me." She confidently stated, though you could still hear the sadness in her voice.

"I'll have to talk to Tony about it." I sighed.

"Of course. Call me back on this number when you've figured everything out."

"Sure," I mumbled, going to hang up the phone.

I sighed as I slowly walked back to the couch, a smile slowly spreading across my face as I watched the two kids interact on the floor. My eyes moved from them to the t.v, seeing photos of Captain Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Olivia beside a reporter, the headline "The Winter Soldier has escaped with help of Avengers" catching my attention.

"Well, kids. Looks like Tony's going to take a little longer to get back than expected." I sighed, sitting down on the couch.

Both of them looked at me in confusion, then looked to where my attention was on the t.v. I saw Morgan visibly deflate out of the corner of my eye, Harley going to rub her back in comfort.

This was going to be a long couple of days. 

Always Been You | Tony Starkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें