Captiolo (7) Sette ~ Little Help

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I met Pepper in one of the conference rooms near Tony's office. She had been hiding there so that Obadiah hopefully wouldn't see her.

"Avery thank god. I didn't know how to get him away without him noticing." Pepper said, rushing over to me as I softly closed the door.

"I called one of our secretaries at work and got her to call Stane's assistant. Hopefully, it'll draw him away from the office door long enough for you to sneak in. I'll go over to him after and try to get him to stay away so you can get out without being spotted." I quickly explained.

"Okay, okay. Be careful." Pepper said, moving towards the door.

"You too."

I opened the door and quickly made my way to Obadiah's secretary's office, where I was luckily met with the man himself.

"Mr. Stane just the man I was looking for." I cheered, putting on a fake smile.

"Ms. Lynn. What can I do for you?" He nodded, starting to walk back to the doorway. I moved my body weight to the side so that I took up most of the space.

"I was just wondering if I could have a moment of your time to talk about our two companies."

"Why would a weapons company have a connection to a medical company?" He questioned, looking both confused and annoyed. His secretary seemed to be ignoring us, as she just kept typing at her computer. Then again she could be eavesdropping.

"You do more than weapons though, right?" I asked as he seemed to roll his eyes. "But I am so glad you asked anyway, Obi..." I smirked, using Tony's nickname for him.

I blacked out. Not literally, like I was still conscious and speeking. But I was pretty much talking out of my ass trying to explain why it would be beneficial for our two companies to look into partnering one day.

Stane seemed to catch on not long after the start of my bullshit speech though, cause he started to try and cut me off.

"Now, now Ms. Lynn." He started, one of his arms coming up to wave around to halt my speech. "Why you make some... interesting, points, I don't think Stark Industries will be having much to do with your company." He started moving towards me, gently nudging me to the side so that I was out of the doorway. "Now, if you will excuse me." He walked away before I could stop him, heading towards Pepper.

"Shit," I mumbled, heading towards the elevator while texting Pepper a warning of Stane's soon-to-be appearance in the office.

Not that much later, I heard the sound of rushing heels making their way towards me, soon revealed to be Pepper.

"He knows." She whispered in a panic, walking over to the stairs.

"Knows what exactly?" I said as I followed.

"He knows I was doing something with the computer, and he probably knows what I was getting from it."

"Okay, okay. We just need to get out and then were clear, okay? We can do that." I tried reassuring her as we made our way to the main floor.

"Ms. Potts?" A man in the waiting area called out. I recognized him as the agent that came up to us at Tony's press conference. "We had an appointment. Did you forget about our appointment?"

"Nope, right now. Come with us." Pepper rushed as we made our way out of the building.

"Right now?"

"We're going to have it right now. Yeah, walk with us."

"Okay." The agent seemed startled at the unexpected change, but followed nonetheless.

"I'm going to give you the meeting of your life." Pepper huffed, turning around to see Stane watching us leave from an upper level. "Your office."

I could practically feel some of the weight come off of Pepper's shoulders when we stepped out of the building.

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