Captiolo (39) Trentanove ~ Helping Hand

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"So, how's your arm doing?"

"It's fine. Nothing I can't handle." Rhodey's voice came through the other end of my phone. The two of us talked while the Avengers did some research on Ultron.

"That's good." I nodded to myself, pacing back and forth in Tony and I's kitchen on our floor. "Nothing exciting has happened since you left. Earth's mightiest heroes are currently doing some research. Tony confined me to our floor so I could "rest." I rolled my eyes.

"It's probably better that you don't join. We don't need Ultron finding out you have intel on something and coming after you."

"Hey, I'm not some helpless damsel in distress," I argued, jumping onto the countertop.

"I know your not. But you don't have amazing powers or tech that could help you take on Ultron if he were to get to you. Can't be too careful, Lynn."

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled. I jumped a bit from the sudden ringing in my ear, pulling my phone away to see another number was calling me. "Hey, Rhodes I've got another call. Talk to you later?"

"You bet. And if you and Tony need any help, you know I'm always here for you guys."

"Thanks, Rhodey." I smiled, quickly hanging up the phone and answering the new call.

"Avery Lynn."

"Hey! Hi! Um, Miss Lynn, I don't know if you even know who I am, but I kinda helped Tony a little while ago. Well, more like two years ago, by now. We met when he came to-" I quickly cut the voice off, noting how young they sounded and the fact they called Tony by his first name and not "Mr. Stark."

"I'm sorry, who is this?"

"Right! Sorry, this is Harley. Harley Keener." It was like a lightbulb went off in my head when I heard the name, my brain instantly recognizing it.

"Harley! Hey, hun. How are you? And how did you get my number?" I asked, confusion starting to grow.

"Um, I kinda hacked into Stark Industries... I didn't do anything else, though! I already had Tony's number, but his phone's been going straight to voicemail."

"Um, yeah, we've had a little situation with our A.I. Do you need me to find Tony? Is something wrong?"

"I wouldn't want to bother him if he's about to save the world again. He gets super stressed." I blanked at how this kid knew that. "But, if it isn't too much trouble, could you maybe hear me out?"

"Sure, kid. What's up?" I softly smiled.

"So, I don't know how much Tony told you about me, but my dad's gone and my mom is barely around 'cause of work. Problem is, my sister and I are getting older and more expensive, so she's kinda been stealing some of the tech Tony gave me and selling it for money."

"Harley, I'm sorry-"

"Oh, I'm not too upset about that right now. She hasn't taken anything she knows I love, but, the problem is that I think she's using the money she gets from it to gamble. I think she might be hooked."

My eyes closed as my head tilted back, my heart breaking for this boy who has obviously had to grow up way too quickly.

"What do you need me to do Harley? Just ask and I'll do my best."

"Not much. Tony's already done so much for me, and the neighbors love my sister, so no matter what she's taken care of. I just... I was just wondering if you could lend me some money? Not a lot! Just like $100 for food and new clothes for me since the school year is starting and I'll get a job in town so I can pay you back!"

"There's no need for that. I'll have one of my guys come down to Tennessee to help you out. I'll get him to drive you wherever you need."

"Thank you, Miss Lynn, but you really don't have to do all of that."

"Of course I do. Tony wouldn't shut up about the amazingly smart kid he met in the middle of nowhere Tennessee. You really made an impression." I smirked, my tone playful.

"He's made an impression on me too. Thank you so much for everything, Miss, Lynn. Tell Tony I said "Hey"!"

The phone hung up before I could respond, a small smile creeping up my face as I stared down at the screen.

"Hey, what's got you smiling like that? I'm right here."

My head shot up at the new voice, my smile widening at the sight of Tony walking into the room, moving to stand in between my legs while his hands rested on my thighs.

"Just got off the phone with a friend of yours," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck while I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Rhodey? What'd he want? He doin' okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. And I actually meant another friend."

"Who could that be? I don't have many friends."

I moved my head off Tony's shoulder, looking up at him. "Harley Keener."

Tony's eyes widened at the name, a million questions flashing threw his eyes as he looked at me.

"He's having some financial problems at home, so he called to ask for a favor. I obviously told him I would help, so I think I'm going to have one of my guys go down and led a hand."

"But otherwise he's okay?"

"Yes, Tony, other than that he seemed perfectly fine. His mom, however, is a different story. Harley thinks she's gotten into gambling." I sighed.

"Well shit," Tony grumbled under his breath. "You know what, this is perfect timing, actually. The gangs all going out for a while, and I would feel better if you weren't in the same tower where a murder bot was created. Since the new place is still in the works, how about you go down to Tennessee yourself? Can send a guard to go down with you so you're not alone."

"Tony, there's so much work to do with everything still," I argued.

"Yeah, well, most of it can be handled over the phone or email. Plus, this way you can meet the kid in person! You'll love him. He's like a true mini-me. Even more than Morgan." Tony playfully shivered.

"You sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course! And you can see just how much help he'll need with you right there with him. You're like a human lie detector, you'll be able to figure it out fast."

I sighed, not being able to find a single reason against Tony's plan.

"When do you leave?"

"Bright and early in the morning. You can leave soon after us so you can give me a proper send-off." He winked, making me roll my eyes and slap his shoulder.

"How about I just give you one now?" I sassed, pushing the man back and hopping off the countertop, walking out of the kitchen. I smirked as soon as I noticed he hadn't followed, barely looking over my shoulder as I yelled out to him.

"You coming?" 

Always Been You | Tony StarkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum