Captiolo (10) Dieci ~ Assistant

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"Hey Pepper, what has Stark done now?"

"Why do you automatically assume my calling has something to do with Tony?" Pepper asked, and even over the phone, I could tell she had a small smirk on her face.

"You never call anymore unless you're stressed and need help with something or Stark did something dumb and idiotic again."

"What if I told you it's a bit of both this time? Plus a favor..."

"What's up, Pepper?" I asked a little impatiently since I had a meeting in less than five minutes that I was already running late for.

"Right, yeah sorry! You're probably busy right now. Can you just come find me when you get home so we can talk? It's really important."

"Yeah, that works," I walked into the thankfully empty conference room and started to set up. "I'll come around sometime around 7-7:30, ok?"

"Great! I'll see you then."

"Bye, Pep. I'll see you tonight."

"See you soon Avery. And good luck with your meeting!"

'Of course, she knows about it.' I thought as I hung up on the phone.

I finished organizing my papers and set copies of the important stuff in the other's seats right as the men of the hour show up.

"Hello, boys. Now, whos ready to start?" I smirked, standing beside my chair as I gestured for the others to sit.


"Pepper?!" I yelled as I walked into the house.

"Ms. Potts is on a call right now. Would you like me to let her know you have arrived, Ms. Lynn?"

"Yes please, Jarvis. Can you also ask Pepper if she wants coffee or something while you're at it?"

"...Ms. Potts says she will be down in just a few moments. She also requests for you to make her usual coffee order. She says you know how she likes it."

"That I do. Thanks, J!"

"Not a problem miss."

I make myself and Peppers coffee and head over to the couch. I start to respond to some emails on my phone while I wait when a voice interrupts me.

"Uh oh, stranger danger. What are you doing here stranger?" Stark asked, also doing something on his phone.

"First of all, I still live here. Secondly, Pepper wanted to talk to me about something. I'm assuming it's another stupid thing you did that she wants to rant about. Not even like it would be the first time." I smirked.

"Yeah well, when do I ever do something right with her?"

We both let out small chuckles, knowing how true that statement was.

"Hey, sorry for making you wait!" Pepper said, walking into the room. "Hey, Tony. What are you doing?"

"What is it a crime to be in my own house?"

"How was your meeting, Avery?" She asked, giving me a quick hug and sitting beside me on the couch while Tony went over to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"It was good. I was able to convince them to buy our couple hundred thousand dollar product but sold it for about a million. My bosses loved me for that." I chuckled, taking a sip of my coffee.

"How on Earth were you able to do that?" Pepper asked, eyes practically popping out of their sockets.

"Oh you know, just batted my eyes and asked nicely. The usual." I shrugged, hiding my smirk behind my mug.

"You're going to have to show me how you do that one day. I could use it, especially now."

"What do you mean "especially now"?"

"Tony... has promoted me to CEO of Stark Industries. He said that he wanted to keep working on being Iron Man, plus I practically run it anyway since Obidia died. We just agreed on it yesterday, signing the papers tomorrow."

"Pepper that's great!" I set down my mug and hugged her. "That's a big deal! You're going to do so well, Pep I just know it."

"Of course, she will. That's why I chose her." Tony interrupted, walking back into the room and joining the conversation.

"So, if you're now CEO, is Tony still going to have an assistant, or did you find a new one for him?" I asked, partially ignoring Tony's presence as did Pepper.

"Why do you automatically assume that Pepper was the one to choose someone and not that I did?" Tony once again butted in.

And once again, got ignored.

"Well, about that... That's kinda the favor I wanted to ask you about." Pepper started, her eyes looking at anything but my own.

"I'm sure I'm not going to like where this is going so I'm going to need you to just spit it out, Pepper."

"I want you to be Tony's assistant."

"What?!" I stood, staring at the two.

"Well, it makes sense, Avery! You've been wanting to change jobs and Tony needs someone who can keep him in line and you're already so good at doing that!"

"Yeah, Peg. You can be - just a bit, frightening sometimes," Tony commented, earning a small glair from me. "Yep just like that." He snapped his fingers and pointed to me.

"Come on Avery you would be great at it. You are one of the few people me, and more importantly Tony, trust, you are more than qualified, and you complain all the time about how boring your current job is anyway! I think it would be a good opportunity for you."

"But," I tried my hardest to come up with some excuse on why I couldn't do it besides "I don't want to", but sadly nothing was coming to mind that would stick. "I did so well with the latest meeting that I should be getting a big promotion or something! I can't just leave now!"

"Oh, you mean the promotion that you have been passed over for several times by about three different younger guys? Face it, Avery. You're never getting it. And if you're worried about the money or something I was already going to pay you much more than what your currently making anyway." Tony waved off.

"But-but I..."

"Come on, Avery. Who knows, maybe this would even be good for you two."

"What do you think about it, Stark?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose with my back turned to them.


"I think it's a good idea. I actually think you should start tomorrow." He cut her off.

"But why do you think this is such a good idea? I get why Pepper does, but why do you?" I turned to him, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Why do I think it's a good idea, let's see. Jarvis, bring up Peg's file-"

"You have a file on me?!"

"Not the point. The point is, it looks like you have degrees in engineering, business management, administration, all this good stuff- why all the different degrees? All while in the military too." Tony turned to me from the screen that had my credentials and personal info.

"I couldn't stick to one thing and I didn't have to pay." I shrugged.

"See that's another thing, you seem to not like doing the same boring shit every day. I do different shit, some of which almost get me killed on the regular. Also, you are one of the very few people who put up with my shit and even more of the few who tell me when to stop my idiotic schemes."

"Not like you would listen anyway," I grumbled.

"Yeah, well you'll figure it out eventually." Stark waved off. "Now, it'll be better if you lived here with me permanently - you can keep the room you're in now. I'll pay for everything you may want added in there. Jarvis can you-"

"Hold on hold on why are you just automatically assuming I'm moving in? I'm going to be your assistant, not your live-in maid." I glared, crossing my arms.

"Well, they'll be a lot of late nights, probably. Might want to just crash here instead of going all the way back to your place when you're exhausted, wherever that may be. Plus, you already live here. Might as well stay."

I stood for a moment, not really knowing what to say. I mean, how can I pass up a place to stay where I don't have to pay for my room or food?

"So it's all settled? Great. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 8:00!" He ran out of the room, heading down to his workshop.

"Hey, I never actually agreed!" I yelled after him.

'What the hell just happened?' 

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