Ren didn't look up from his sketchbook, "that was a few days ago."

"It's been a while, I haven't seen you back with your crew." P'Mira mentioned.

"Sometimes I think the others seem to forget that we are also here." Andrew whispered.

Sanrak nodded, "Phi, is too busy drawing P'Mira."

"We know you two are here." Ren told them.

Making the sibling duo give the Aira boy a thumbs up.

"Don't you four fight like children." Sanrak pointed out, chuckling a little trying to stay on the humorous side of the conversation.

"Are you waiting for Thyme for make the first move?" P'Mira asked.

Ren looked up, "we all know Thyme doesn't do that. As children, I was always the one who went to him and make up."


Ren went back to sketching, "We've grown. He should have figured it out."

P'Mira sighed, "So if you guys didn't talk again for the rest of your life, would you be okay with that?" she asked.

"I'll be fine." Ren lied.

"What if I talk to P'Kavin to throw some sense into Thyme?" Sanrak asked.

Ren looked at her, "no, don't do that. That wouldn't matter now would it?"

Sanrak shrugged.

Ren turned his attention back to P'Mira, "Phi? Have you given any thoughts on what you'll do after graduation?"

P'Mira smiled at the younger boy, "you think about the future too?"

"If it's your future, I'm interested." he smiled.

Sanrak smiled a little, now she knew why Prae was head over heals for this boy... He is adorable.

"Interested how?" P'Mira asked.

"You have everything, you can do everything... business, modeling, advertising, whatever you choose, I'm ready to watch and support you." he said holding his pencil up.

Andrew leaned on his sister, "Is this him flirting or asking for career counselling?"

Sanrak chuckled, "whatever he's doing, he sure looks good."

Andrew gave her a look.

"I don't like him, Hia. I'm just saying he's not bad looking."

P'Mira had a guilty expression on her face, none of them knew why, "what if all the option I have are not something I want?" she asked.

Andrew sat up straight, "what do you mean?" he asked.

"What if everything I have is not the future I want?"

The air in the room suddenly thickened.

"What do you mean?" It was Ren who asked her this time.

P'Mira sighed as she looked the at three people in the room.

The three most important people in her life.

"You guys..." she took a breath trying to prepare herself, "I have something important to tell you all..."

"What is it Phi?" Sanrak asked, growing anxious.

P'Mira looked at the younger girl, "Umm... I've decided to, move."

"Where?" Andrew asked.


"Why?" Ren asked, as he stood up.

𝘴𝘦𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘢𝘢𝘰: 𝘵𝘩𝘺𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘢. 𝘱 (𝘍4)Where stories live. Discover now