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The following morning Laurel woke up about ten minutes before her roommates—the ones who were gossiping about her until they fell asleep as if she weren't in the room. In any other situation, Laurel would have defended herself, but she wouldn't dare take on four girls on her own.

She got up and got ready for her class of the day, Defense Against The Dark Arts. After last night, she knew none of the Slytherins would help her find her way around the castle, but she knew someone who would.

She ventured into the Great Hall for breakfast when she saw Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table reading.

Laurel casually approached the brunette and sat in the seat opposite her.

"Whatcha reading?" She asked, startling Hermione.

"Oh, hello Laurel," she said in a slightly shaken tone. "I stopped at the library this morning and grabbed a couple of books about twins."

"Hermione you didn't have to do that. It's me who wants to learn more. I hope you don't think I expect you to just figure it all out for me."

Hermione chuckled.

"I don't mind. When you said something about twin bonds, I just knew I needed to learn more about the subject myself."

"She runs on being a know-it-all," Ron jeered as he sat in the seat next to Hermione, while Harry sat in the seat next to Laurel.

"Speaking of," Hermione started as she turned to Ron. "Don't think you're going to con me into doing all of your schoolwork this year. It's simply not going to happen. We're prefects. We need to set examples for the younger students."

Ron didn't seem interested in her words of wisdom as he was stuffing his face instead.

Laurel found their banter to be quite interesting and wouldn't be surprised if the two were in some sort of long-term relationship based on their interactions with one another—that and the fact that Ron simply can't stop staring at her.

"How was your first night with the Slytherins?" Harry asked Laurel.

"They're so mean," she laughed. "But in a funny way. I think the girls are threatened by me for whatever reason. The one girl, Pansy I think her name is, is like their leader. She tried to break me down, but couldn't."

"Pansy Parkinson is an A-Class bitch. She'll do anything to eliminate any threat that may compromise her relationship with Malfoy."

"With who?" Laurel asked.

Hermione turned around to look at the Slytherin table until she saw Draco, then turned back to Laurel.

"The boy with the platinum blonde hair," Hermione said.

Laurel looked up at the table and was surprised to see Draco looking directly at her. Their eyes met briefly which caused each of their cheeks to blush just slightly before she broke the contact.

"Oh, you mean blondie," Laurel laughed. "He's the reason I slapped Theo. Theo was trying to encourage me to sneak off somewhere in the alley and hook up with him."

"Well, that's kind of poor in taste if you ask me. That group of people is usually "respectable". As far as I'm aware, they don't even use explicit language as it's improper." Hermione said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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