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Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott have been best friends since they were tiny tots. Their mothers, Narcissa and Colette, were best friends so close that they considered each other as a sister.

Draco and Theo felt the same way about one another, except they were brothers. Anything one half of the duo needed help, the other was always there to assist. If one needed backup in a fight, the other showed with no questions asked. If one showed up to the other's house visibly distraught over a breakup, it was the other's job to cheer them up.

And that's what Theo did when Draco showed up at Nott Estate early on the morning of the 31st of August.

Draco and Pansy Parkinson have had a rough, off-and-on relationship. They kiss, have sex, and fight...a lot. There was just too much drama between the two and Draco couldn't take any more of it. He was unhappy beyond belief despite having loved the girl since they were kids. Hell, they practically still were kids, just a tad more mature than before.

Draco made the ultimate decision to finally end their relationship. He just couldn't find it in him to do it anymore. He was tired of sulking, and being so incredibly miserable. No amount of sexual pleasure was worth it to him, and even though he was the one to make the move, he was still just as broken up about it.

Theo suggested the duo visit Diagon Alley to check out girls in hopes it would take Draco's mind off of the situation, but it was more so for Theo's eyes.

Theodore Nott hasn't been in a serious relationship since...well, ever. He had no respect for women despite them throwing themselves at him whenever his overpriced cologne filled their nostrils when he stepped into a room. Every girl that looked at him had it in her mind that maybe she could be the one to change him and cause him to settle down.

He also had a particularly major struggle with getting incredibly intoxicated on a regular basis. The boy was rarely seen without a blunt dangling from his lips and a glass of fire whiskey in his hand.

Many speculate that the death of his mother three years ago had something to do with his illicit behavior, but he was always troubled even as a young boy. He was a Nott after all.

The two boys made it to the popular wizard shopping center where they met up with their third companion, Blaise Zabini. Together the three of them made it their mission to try and cheer Draco up along with getting Blaise and Theo laid.

The alley was extremely busy with Hogwarts students and their parents bustling in and out of shops gathering their last-minute necessities for the school year which starts tomorrow. It was too busy for their liking. Muggleborns and blood traitors filled the gaps. The boys were disgusted with the aroma the mudbloods carried—a desire to prove themselves. Being a pureblood, the only thing you need to prove in their eyes is that you're better than everyone, which they were.

The trio walked in a line together when they came to a standstill in front of Flourish and Blotts. Draco turned his head and caught a glimpse of a woman inside. He stared at her through the window and took in her beauty. Her warm-toned skin, blonde hair, and her sense of style.

Who wears trainer's with a dress? He thought to himself—but he liked it. It was different. She was different.

"Oi! Looks like Malfoy found his next target," Blaise teased as he nudged Draco. He looked up and into the window at the blonde, surprised. "Not your type though," Draco said nothing. "Not broody enough."

"Talk to her," Theo encouraged. "Go in and make up some story about how you were just about to buy the same book she was looking at, make her laugh, and take her back to Malfoy Manor and give her the best cock of her life." He snickered as he took a drag off of his cigarette.

I think it's safe to say he's completely plastered, that bloody fool. Draco thought. But then he remembered that before they came to the alley, they went to Malfoy Manor where Theo took a few shots of fire whiskey.

"I'll pass," Draco sneered dryly with an eye roll. He wasn't the type to approach a girl like Theo and Blaise—the girls came to him, but being in a relationship, he often told them no. He was very faithful to Pansy despite being put in many positions which would allow him to cheat on her.

He turned to look back through the glass and she was gone. Draco frowned internally as he didn't want to express genuine disappointment in front of his friends for fear of them teasing him about it later. His chance was gone, and he was surprisingly okay with it. The right girl will come around when the time is right.

Moments later, the same girl stepped out of the shop. Draco noticed instantly. Theo smirked at Draco and started walking towards her. Draco's heart started beating rapidly in his chest.

What is this idiot going to do?

"Excuse me? Might I have a word?" Theo said to the blonde. She raised her eyebrow at him and gave him a disgruntled look—she wanted to vomit. It was the smell of the nicotine and fire whiskey that radiated off of him.

"No," she said plainly with a fake smile. She turned to walk away when Theo grabbed her arm and jerked her back. "Let go of me!"

She's American? The boys thought.

"Let her go, mate. She's not worth it." Blaise said, ready to step in before something happened.

"I asked for a word."

"And I gave you one. No. How many words do you want?"

"My friend here," he hiccuped and pointed to Draco. "Just broke up with his girlfriend, and is upset. I want to cheer him up. He thinks you're pretty, so why don't you go into Knockturn Alley with him and—"

Draco and Blaise's eyes widened when the girl broke free of Theo's grip and slapped him across the face before rushing in the other direction.

"What a fucking bitch!" Theo yelled.

But Draco didn't think she was a bitch, no. In fact, he was surprised to say he was more attracted to her now that she stood up for herself than a few minutes ago. The only thing he wished was that he knew who she was, and if he'd get a chance to see her again.

I'm a sodding idiot.

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