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On the morning of 1 September, Laurel, Theo, and their grandmother joined together in the dining room for breakfast. It was a simple breakfast, eggs, toast, sausage, and beans. Even freshly made scones, and an assortment of puréed jams.

The tension in the air was incredibly thick between the twins. Nana wanted to try to ease it, but she didn't have the slightest idea as to how. They were twins that have been separated for nearly thirteen years—surely their twin bond can bring them back together alone. She at least hoped so.

Once the three were finished with breakfast, they made their way to the door. The family's butler, Jedediah, took the twins' luggage and placed it into the charmed trunk of the vehicle, and drove them to busy city of London.

For hours, Laurel had to endure her grandmother making constant remarks about how she wished she would get along with her brother and apologize to him. Theo has received comments from the woman about his lifestyle choices.

He's not the brother she thought—hoped she was getting, but he's the one she has and she unfortunately has to accept it.

They reached Kings Cross Station in London. Laurel watched in amusement as Theo swiftly passed through a brick wall, seemingly to have disappeared. Nana encouraged her to follow, and she hesitantly did so. On the other side, Theo was waiting for them in front of a bright red engine that whistle followed by puffs of steam coming from the smokestack. It was a site to see for sure—Ilvermorny didn't have anything remotely this cool. They have a train yes, but nothing like this.

"Are you two certain you have everything you need? If not, I can be sure to send it—"

"I'm fine. May I go now?" Theo asked with urgency. He didn't want any of his friends to spot him with the pretty blonde that rightfully assaulted him yesterday.

Nana nodded and he grabbed his trunk and handed it to the conductor before boarding.

"He's a troubled boy."

Laurel nodded. She noticed his behavior, and she was not a fan. When she heard she had a twin brother, she thought he'd be top of the class like her. In a steady relationship, and respectful—but he's quite the opposite.

"Do give him some time. He'll come around to you. I do hope that the two of you can make nice for your mother's sake."

"Maybe one day. But not now. I'm not sure if I want anyone to know he's my brother. He's a bit of an ass."

"Language, dear," Nana narrowed her eyes at her before smiling, and nodding. "But you are right, and he needs help. You need to guide him."

"Why me? He's got friends."

"You're his sister. You two weren't aware until now, but in our world, children of multiples have this bond that is stronger than muggles."


"Non-magical folk."

Must everything be different in this country? Laurel thought. It was bad enough she needed to adapt to an entirely new lifestyle and learn new terminology as well. She felt overwhelmed.

"Anyway, I best be off dear. Keep an eye out on your brother, will you?" She said. Laurel nodded. Nana kissed her on the cheek and a warm hug before disapparating.

Laurel took one last look at the fiery red engine before taking a deep breath, and boarding. She was scared beyond belief—more terrified than her first year at Ilvermorny.

As nervous as she was, she still stepped on that train alone. She walked down the narrow hallway with her small dragon hide bag that contained some reading material—her copy of Hogwarts: A History. She opened the leather binding carefully and inhaled the fresh smell of a new book, and dove in.

Slither(Reimagined) - Draco MalfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora