Chapter 8: Combat Trials Part 2

Start from the beginning

Ultima: "Hey. Ashido right?"

Mina: "Call me Mina!"

Ultima: "Oookay? Mina. You were a fan of my dad right? Is that why you seem so excited to have me on your team?"

Mina: "Yes and no. I'm super stoked to be teamed up with you since your one of the tempest trio! You three are basically unstoppable! And since your dad is Uriel unlike Carrera you must be even more amazing!"

Ultima: "Look. One thing you need to understand is we aren't different. Yes. Our parents are pro heroes and we have trained with them. But outside combat experience. We are just the same as you. Were not invincible. You have already seen that with Carrera. She has lost twice now. We may be tough but we aren't unbeatable."

Mina: "R-Right. Sorry."

All Might: "You may begin!"

Ultima calms her thoughts. Closing her eyes and taking deep breathes.

Mina: "Uuuh what ar-"

Ultima: "Shhh. I'm concentrating."

Mina stood there confused while Ultima did breathing exercises. Once she was fully calmed she let out some energy. Which shot off in all directions in the building until one of the balls of energy located two targets through a metal wall with tape over it. Blasting into it. Creating a loud noise. Breaking the wall and showing where they were.

Emotional Energy - Mode Calm: Energy fired while fully calmed will search an area until a target is within 20 meters and take the most effective route to that target.

Ultima: "Come on."

Mina followed after Ultima. After about a minute they reached the room which Momo was still trying to repair. Ultima ran towards the Door. Momo backing inside with the door just now fully repaired. Sero taping it from behind to force it in place and add more layers. Ultima forced herself to think of things that angered her as she blew down the door with destructive force.

Emotional Energy - Mode Anger: Energy fired while angry will be more destructive. Causing more damage almost to the point of being uncontrollable.

The moment Ultima enters the room she eats a small pill. Shivering as she does so. Placing her hands on the ground. Freezing Momo and Sero. Them now being completely stuck unable to move. Only their faces remaining unfrozen.

Momo: "She froze only the area between us and both our team members while avoiding freezing the face. Its also not too much to avoid harming us. The level of control needed for that... That's insane..."

Ultima walked up to the bomb placing her hand on it. Mina just looking on in awe.

Mina: "She claims she isn't unbeatable yet she certainly seems like it."

All Might: "Heroes win!"

Flashback to the day after the entrance exam. Rimuru. Milim and Ultima were all in a room inside the Tempest household.

Rimuru: "Firstly. Congratulations both of you for making it into UA. I knew you could do it."

Ultima: "Why are we doing this again dad... We already celebrated yesterday."

Rimuru: "But I have yet to give you your celebratory gift."

Milim: "Oh please tell me its honey pancakes!"

Rimuru: "Hahaha. No I'm afraid not. But you may like it even more."

Ultima: "What is it."

Rimuru: "Well. I'm going to give you both another quirk."

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