Ch - 18

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Few days have passed with a blink and now you and Jungkook have started spending more time with each other. 

Jungs and jeons have become closer to each other. Hoseok has also decided to stay for some more days with his family.

 Now you both also have a soft spot for each other.

 Everyone can also see how much you both have started liking each other's company.

You are more addicted to jungkook's presence now.  

You like him being around yourself. His presence makes you comfortable and happy. 

And about Jungkook, he also has started spending time with you. He also started joking and has become more goofy around you.

Just a small glimpse of your face is enough for him to smile and make his day.

Everything was going good until one day  jungsan came to jeon's house telling jiwoon and daeun that he has something urgent to talk.


Everyone was now in the living room and they all were looking at Jungsun, who has a serious face. 

Jiwoon signals her husband to ask him what happened and Daeun calls jungsun.

"Hey..jeon what happened? What do you want to talk about?"

Jungsun look up at jiwoon and daeun for sometime and jungkook also came from the main gate in the house. When jungsun said,

"I want jungkook to marry yn."


The smallest chapter i guess but i'm sorry these small chapters are needed. <33


Hope you like this part . Do vote and comment ♡

Her Eyes | jjk ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang