"Check please!"

She snorts before she burst out laughing. I mean she actually snorts before she laughs and I find it to be the cutest thing. I couldn't even hide my big goofy grin as she laughs and tries to get me to take my hand down from grabbing the waiter's attention. She reached across the booth and grabbed my wrist.

"I'm just joking, Jonah! Relax." She giggles sitting back in her seat as I shake my head at the waiter who was starting to approach. "No, I would never kill for a celebrity." She clarifies.

"Whew." I pretend to wipe away fake sweat as she rolls her eyes. "So you never seen her in concert?"

"Nope." She pops the p. "Too expensive but still love her though."

"What's your favorite song?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "That is a loaded question but I guess I would say Me, Myself and I. I used to play it on repeat at one point."

"You know they do say your favorite song is based off how you're feeling at the moment." I point out as she shrugs.

"That could be true." Her eyes fell down to the table and I notice her shoulders were tensed.

"Can you sing it for me?"

As hoped, her shoulders dropped and the tension in her face was gone as she shot me another bemused look.

"See, now you're playing." She chuckles dryly while shaking her head. I smiled. "What about you?"


She stared straight at me. "Where are you from?"

"Toronto." I inhale sharply. Audrey eyes nearly popped out as she glared at me.

"You're from Canada?"

"Yeah, lived there until I was about eighteen. Went to college in Michigan and haven't really been back since." I explained swiftly. I've been back home for holidays of course but I don't ever plan on moving back. I gulped my whiskey and noticed Audrey was still looking at me as if I grew a second head. It made me nervous honestly. "What? Why are you surprised?"

She blinks and all her emotions were now gone. "I don't know, it's just why are you here? If I was from Canada I would be in Canada."

I shrug. "I don't know, I guess I don't feel a need to go back."

Home isn't all what it's cracked up to be is what I wanted to say but I didn't want to tarnish the night with a sob life story when it's not necessary. I do go home to visit my parents and my sister or times when Tim wants to go back to see his family. But it's something about when I'm home I'm always known as my father's son and not my own person. I hated it.

I clenched my jaw and finished off the rest of my whiskey. Through my glass I notice Audrey was still staring at me, most likely watching the mix emotions across my face. The way she was looking at me, like she could read me but it wasn't in a judgmental matter. Instead a small smile crept up her lips.

"What?" I gave a bemused look.

"Do you know Drake?"

She could barely finish the question before she crackles making me smile.

"Oh get the hell out of here." I tease as she snorts while throwing her head back. I chuckled, relief washing over me. She didn't push me on the subject and I was grateful for it.


The restaurant unfortunately closes at eleven and around eight we moved from the table to the bar to continue our casual conversation. Now it was approaching ten and it hardly felt like I just spent four hours with her. Four hours to forty hours just doesn't feel like enough.

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