Chapter 1: The Founders
"Over a thousand years ago (10th century), the four greatest witches and wizards of the same age shared a dream, to create a school where young people of the wizarding world could study and be trained in the magical arts they needed to become skilled, fully-trained wizards. These four great wizards each founded one of the Houses ( Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw)of the school that they worked together to form: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Simple enough concept. Laurel thought. She went in to extend her knowledge about her new school when she was interrupted by the sound of knuckles tapping on the glass exterior of her compartment.

"Hello," said the girl in a soft British accent. "I haven't seen you around before. You must be new."

"I am,"

"Oh, and you're American! You must be from Ilvermorny. I've read about—is that Hogwarts: A History?" The girl was perplexed. "It's one of my absolute favorites! Have you reached the part about—"

"Bloody hell, Hermione. Let the girl read the damn thing," a boy, stocky, tall, and had wild red hair said as he pushed past her and sat across from Laurel.

"Ron!" Hermione snapped. "I haven't even asked if we could join her yet."

"Oh," said Laurel flatly. "I don't mind. Please," she said gesturing to the empty spaces. Hermione nodded and stepped inside sitting next to Ron.

"I'm Hermione Granger. Fifth-year Gryffindor prefect. This is Ron. He too is a prefect."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Laurel Nott. Fifth year, er, well, I was in Thunderbird at Ilvermorny, but based on this book, that isn't an option."

"Oh no!" Said Hermione with a large smile across her face. "At Hogwarts, there is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. You'll get sorted once we arrive at the castle."

"Best pray you're not in Slytherin," Ron scoffed. "Haven't met one Slytherin that wasn't a fucking—"

"Ronald!" Hermione spat disgust and rage across her face.

Laurel made a face, almost a fake smile, and nodded. She thought the girl was nice, but a bit much. And the boy...he preferred to speak his mind. She liked him. He was just like her.

A moment later, the three were joined by three others: a boy, tall and lanky, and was holding a small, cactus-like plant that was covered in boils, a girl with long, white blonde hair who looked like she took a few bong rips before she left her house, and another girl who had hair the same shade as Ron.

"You mind if we join you?" Said the girl with red hair.

"Get your own compartment," Ron snarled. "Fifth years only. Neville, you can stay," he said. He stopped and looked at the plant. A mimbulus mimbletonia. A plant Laurel knew all too well. She had learned about them in her fourth year of school. She and Grant provoked the plant which caused it to release its Stinksap all over them. They reeked of it for days.

"The plants gotta go though," Ron added.

Laurel turned her nose up at the rancid-smelling plant and nodded her head.

"Oh, it'll be fine as long as no one messes with it."

"If you want to stay with them, I'll take the plant, Neville," the red-haired girl offered.

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