Story Three

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Its a terrible thing to be the last of your species, everyone dying around you while you clutch at the pieces and the old ways that very well may never return despite once being wild and overwhelming. But it might be worse to be old enough to have seen millions of species fall. 

There was a time of magic at some point and people had been over joyed.

"Well surely we can't fall, we're magical, special, better." They said, for a good amount of them had known life before magic and believed themselves greatly superior for possessing it now. 

But time is not a merciful mistress and they fell within the same milenia. It was likely pride that got them in the end, but Reyna really had no desire to watch the desperation that dying cultures cling to. 

She'd seen it before. Millions of times before. And each time they think they're special. Exempt from the cruelty of mortality or mortals. However she seems to be the only one. 

She doesn't think there ever was more than just her and she doesn't remember when or why she was forced into this position, it may have been a reward for being so fantastic. 

She could've been a mortal once and that may have been her strongest wish. She wouldn't remember. But it doesn't feel like a gift and if it was a gift than the giver certainly should've known the consequences and still decided to subject her to it. 

It may have been a punishment for naivety or cruelty. Which from her experiences never go unpunished. 

Its also likely she was just born with this terrible curse. To have what everyone wants, and to hate it with such ferocity. But maybe she'd hate it less if it came with culture or company or any other number of things that come with belonging somewhere.

But really it doesn't matter because she knows that she can very well blend in with the humans if she so wishes. 

One thing that doesn't seem to fall is humans. They stand tall confident and self destructive in the most painful to witness ways, but whenever she thinks, "Oh finally they're gone." They seem to pop back up like weeds and regrow with equal determination to fail. This also makes them one of the most interesting to watch. 

They caused many extinctions themselves, but it never seems to bother them and they just pop up again, many species have gone missing or insane while hiding from them. 

But its finally time for the immortality of man kind to fail and for the reparations to be paid. 

Reyna must end them.

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