Shen Qiqi walked up to her and poured herself a cup of tea, then sat on a stool.

She rubbed her sore shoulders and heard her stomach growl. She sighed, "Senior sister, I'm hungry."

The restlessness on Liu Shuang's face slowly dissipated, and she turned her head to look at her. "What do you want to eat?"

Shen Qiqi thought for a moment and smiled, "I want to eat the lotus seed soup from the kitchen. Let's go together, Senior sister?"

Liu Shuang was about to refuse, but then she heard Shen Qiqi say, "Something strange happened to me last night, and I want to talk to you about it."

Liu Shuang paused, "What strange thing?"

She vaguely felt that this Shen Qiqi was different from before, maybe there was some connection with her own rebirth.

Shen Qiqi took her arm, "Let's go, we'll talk as we walk."

The kitchen was like a large cafeteria at Qing Feng. Most of the unopened cultivators chose to eat there. However, maybe because cultivators preferred to eat vegetarian, the food provided was very bland and mostly vegetarian. For meat-lovers like Shen Qiqi, it was a nightmare.

"...But the lotus seed soup there is really good, sweet and tasty." Shen Qiqi opened her arms and walked along the edge of the small path, with a raised ridge on either side. "Have you tried it, Senior sister?"

Liu Shuang walked beside her and pulled her occasionally to keep her balance. "No."

Shen Qiqi twisted and turned in a joking manner, "That's right! Senior sister is skillful with her hands, she doesn't need to go there to eat. She can be self-sufficient."

Liu Shuang shook her head and said, "I have already started a fasting practice, so I don't need to be self-sufficient."

Shen Qiqi thought to herself, "I can help you with that! If you want delicious food, just come to me!"

Then Liu Shuang asked, "What strange thing did you encounter last night?"

Shen Qiqi murmured and smiled bitterly, "I followed the cultivation method in the book and found my spiritual sea, but then...I was thrown out."

Liu Shuang was taken aback, "Thrown out?"

Cultivators can freely roam their spiritual seas. How could they be thrown out?

"What did you see inside?"

Shen Qiqi said, "I saw a few words, but they were too far away and I didn't see them clearly."

Suddenly, Liu Shuang remembered that when Shen Qiqi fainted earlier, she had seen some very strange characters in her spiritual sea.

She assumed that Shen Qiqi probably couldn't understand them, so she didn't ask any further.

"Besides the words, what else did you see?"

"I also saw a vast sea," Shen Qiqi thought for a moment, "By the way...I was thrown out by the waves in the sea."

"That's strange." Liu Shuang pondered, "The spiritual sea generally doesn't reject its owner."

As they were discussing, they happened to pass by a bamboo forest. The leaves rustled, stirring up a fine, insect-like buzzing sound.

The path was secluded, with tree shades and sunlight scattered all over the ground.

In the distance, they could see a white stone table in the center of a pavilion where someone seemed to be lying down.

Shen Qiqi paused and tiptoed forward to take a look. "Why is there someone lying there?"

Liu Shuang said, "Perhaps they fell asleep."

Shen Qiqi furrowed her brow, feeling somewhat strange. As the two of them approached, a black bird landed on the table and pecked at her fingers. The person lying on the table didn't move at all, not even shaking their hand.

The black bird flapped its wings and flew away.

Shen Qiqi frowned, "...Senior sister, I'm a bit worried. I'll go take a look first, you come slowly."

Before Liu Shuang could answer, Shen Qiqi jumped down from the pavilion and ran over.

Liu Shuang saw Shen Qiqi quickly run up to the center of the pavilion and touch the person on the table. The person fell straight back and landed on the ground, limp.

Immediately after, Shen Qiqi seemed to see something, and her whole body suddenly stiffened. She stepped back a few steps, clutching the pillar next to her and bending over, one hand covering her own face.

Liu Shuang's heart tightened, and she immediately appeared at Shen Qiqi's side.

As soon as she landed, she caught a whiff of a strong demonic aura permeating the small pavilion.

Shen Qiqi leaned against the pillar, her whole body almost falling to the ground. Liu Shuang approached her and realized she was trembling slightly.

"Dead...," she murmured, making a choking sound like her throat was being squeezed.

As soon as Liu Shuang saw everything clearly, her face changed drastically. She quickly reached out and covered Shen Qiqi's eyes with her hands.

"Don't look," she whispered.

Shen Qiqi unexpectedly quieted down and obediently curled up in her arms.

Liu Shuang's gaze fell to the ground, her eyes gradually turning a hideous crimson.

It was a dead person, a person whose belly had been cut open.

The stench was strong, blood and organs splattered everywhere. The ground was covered in red and white, and there was a gaping hole in the person's lower abdomen, as if their dan yuan had been ripped out alive. 

It was absolutely disgusting.

The smell of demonic cultivation still lingered in the pavilion, obviously more than one person. These residual demonic energies rushed towards her like a bursting dam.

She closed her eyes, veins popping on her forehead, struggling to control the crazily surging demonic energy inside her body.

At that moment, Shen Qiqi suddenly made a sound and grabbed the hem of her clothes at the waist, burying her eyes deeply in her shoulder. Warm liquid wetted the skin on her neck.

She seemed to be crying, but suppressing it extremely, to the point of not making any sound.

Liu Shuang froze in place, her mind went blank and she felt a little at a loss.

A few seconds later, she reached out her hand and clumsily patted Shen Qiqi's back, her voice low and coaxing like soothing a child, repeating over and over again, "It's okay, don't be afraid, don't cry..."


Liu Shuang: I've never comforted someone before, I did my best.

Translator's note: Hahahaha...

To Be Continue!...

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat