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"Thanks for having me, Cathy enjoy the rest of your day!" I wave at her and she thanks me for being a great help and that she'll definitely see me again. I hope I get to come back because it was really fun. Don't tell my uncle I said that.

Speaking of the devil, I meet him in the hall. He suddenly picks me up and spins me around. Whoa. What is it with people hugging me today?

"Is it international hugging your favourite person today? Didn't know I was so loved." My uncle scoffs and quickly releases me after my teasing statement.

"It's not that, but" he gets all excited again and I try my best not to look offended. "What did you do with the potatoes!" he pinches my cheeks and I push him away.

"What do you mean, I didn't do anything?" Confusion bubbles up and he reminds me of the lunch served today. I roll my eyes in exasperation as he mentions mashed potatoes.

"It wasn't me though, I just advised Cathy." It's actually heartening that she considered it and even did it.

My uncle beams and shakes my shoulders. Can everyone just stop shaking me in all directions I'm about to break into twenty pieces.

"Doesn't matter who did it! My taste buds can finally live again!" he croaks out and walks back to where he was headed. What a dramatic big baby. Remind me again who the adult is here?

With a sigh, I try to find the restroom where Enzo and I were supposed to meet for our conversation about the name thing earlier that he so desperately wants to know about.


I startle and my head shoots up to find Enzo pressed against a wall, then pushing me into the restroom. What in the Mission Impossible. He's in full spy mode.

"Are you all right?" I ask him after he carefully closes the door. Completely ignoring my question, he presses his lips together and keeps his ear close to the door.

"Yeah, I just had to make sure no one's looking for me since I'm supposed to be in training."

"You're supposed to be what?!"

"Yeah, you're not the only one who's feisty-ah!- but anyway, what was that earlier?" After slapping him in the arm, he asked the question of what we had come for. "Well, about that-"

"It's complicated" I slump down against the door of a toilet stall. I am about to reveal a big part of my life to someone I've only known for a week and a half. Here we go.

"I know João. Like know know."

"He was my former best friend. I don't want to go into detail about that, but long story short: The first time we met here in London he kinda said he didn't know me and if you told him my name he might remember me and I don't know how he would react and all that."

"I actually wanted to talk to him about it today. So I didn't want you to blow my cover...and I may or may not have said my name was Mónica?"

Enzo looks as if he has been slapped in the face and he releases his held breath after my ranting was finished. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing.

Okay, maybe it was.

"Woah... that's a lot of information to absorb, but you do know Ben and your uncle know your real name, so it won't be long before he finds out you lied if he had recognised you anyway. I think-"

A door is swung open. "Enzo? Are you in here-" Speaking of the damn devil, João stands in the doorway, confused as ever. "What are you guys doing?"

Okay, it may seem like we're those teenagers who meet in the restroom to do god knows what, but luckily we're not.

Enzo grins suggestively at me and pats João on the back as he passes him on the way out.

He leaves me behind now, along with him. I send Enzo an icy glare, but his smile doesn't seem to falter as he sends me a thumbs-up from behind João.

I sit still, frozen with fear, wondering if João heard any of that. He looks back then closes the door and steps inside. Wait, what is he doing? Isn't he supposed to go back to training?

"I know I'm only here for a day, but I'm pretty sure training's that way." I point to the door where Enzo had just walked out, but João ignores me and sits down next to me on the floor, unbothered. I should probably get up.

"I came looking for Enzo, but it's a coincidence to meet you. Mónica, isn't it?" he turns his head and our eyes meet. His shoulder is pressed against mine and I swallow nervously. This wasn't what I expected today.

I nod and look at a sink in front of me, which suddenly looks very interesting. I have a strange feeling about this.

There's no way he doesn't know by now, so I want to speak up, ready for the talk, but someone calls his name and footsteps come closer to the restroom. Shit, this won't look good. If João gets caught, he'll be in trouble.

In an instant, we scramble to our feet and a tingle of panic makes its way through our bodies. We share a what now? look and without thinking João pushes us into an empty stall; we are cramped but crouch on the toilet lid, making sure our feet don't stand out.

He holds on to my shoulders and I to his elbows so we don't fall over. Our backs are each leaning against an opposite wall, quite uncomfortable, and my knee is dangerously close to his thigh.

Our gazes meet as we hear the main door creak open.

"João you here?! I told you to find Enzo. Not to do the same as him..." grumbles, I assume the trainer disappointedly and I want to laugh, but João quickly shuts me up with his hand on my mouth.

I didn't expect that, so my eyes widen and I gawk at him. He's so beauti-stop.

The feeling of his warm hand on my mouth sends a blush of warmth to my cheeks. We are close, really close, but what can I expect from a toilet stall.

The man leaves in disappointment when he gets no response and João realises that his hand is still clamped on my mouth. Awkwardly, he removes it and we make eye contact for a little too long, so I hop off the toilet lid and leave the stall.

"You owe me for not betraying your hiding place."

I break the silence and he follows me out. "Yeah..." he laughs softly and a grin rises on his lips as he walks towards the door.

"I'll keep that in mind, que-Mónica." In one swift movement, the door opens and closes.

Gone he is, like my soul.


Arctic Monkeys>>>

My love for Humbug and FWN is infinite.

I don't know if these chapters are random, but I just go with my imagination.

I don't have an outline at all, I just write when I have ideas😭 and honestly, the songs I add are mostly the vibes, not necessarily the lyrics.

Lots Of Love


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