11: Someone like you.

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"Noona! You're here!!" A 22-year-old Hongjoong excitedly ran to greet his sister. "I didn't know you were visiting today." He tackled her into a big bear hug, inhaling the all too familiar perfume of his sister.

"Joongie! You've grown so much since the last time I saw you!" She replicated the hug with the same energy as him, both crushing each other. "You're no longer that little boy who would follow me around the house anymore." She pinched at the other's cheeks which earned her a groan.

"Noona, Stop! You can't keep babying me when I will be 23 soon." He playfully pushed his sister's hand away from his face. "But seriously Noona why the sudden visit?" He questioned as they walked deeper into the mansion. It was really rare to see his sister these days unless it was a family gathering or something along those lines which were even rarer.

"I wanted to talk with Dad. Is he in his office?" She scanned around looking for the said man.

"Yeah, you know that he never leaves it," He answered with an eye-roll, watching as she headed to the stairs. "I'll be in the living room with Mingi and Yunho if you need me. Just call me when you're leaving. I would hate it if you left without telling me."

"Sure," She smiled and watched her run up the stairs and disappear into the hallway, a few knocks and a loud bang of the door were all he heard before going back to his friends.


Hongjoong was lazily scrolling on his phone when he heard angry yelling, throwing of things around, and someone aggressively opening the door and running down the stairs. At first, he thought that he had imagined it but when he looked at the other two to see if he had heard right, confirming it when they looked equally terrified and confused, he quickly got up from the couch with the other two slowly tailing behind him. He was able to catch up with his sister only to find her in tears. He could see that she was very distraught and shaken up to the point she was trembling. He pushed to help her when he saw her struggling to walk down the stairs. "Noona! What-"

Before he could even finish his question, he heard his father quickly treading behind her. "Do not dare come back here until after the wedding. Unless it's your corpse coming back, I don't ever want to see your face till then!" He heard his father angrily shout from the top of the stairs and saw his sister cry even harder.

"Don't worry I won't!" She yelled back and walked off towards the front door. He looked up at his father who watching her with so much rage and hate and quickly ran after her.
'What the fuck was going on?'

"Noona!" He called only to be ignored. "Sooyun! Wait! What is Dad talking about? Why are you leaving so soon?" He asked in a panic not sure what the hell was unfolding in front of him. Why was his Dad fuming? Why was his sister so distressed and shaking?

"Hongjoong, it's nothing just go back inside." He watched her wipe her eyes only for more tears to replace them, his heart breaking as he watched her.

"But Dad-"

"JUST LEAVE IT!!" He froze in place as he looked at his sister shocked and confused. This was the first time she had ever yelled at him at he knew something was off. Sure they had yelled at each other before but that was never as serious as this. Something had to be going on and it seemed no one wanted or was willing to tell him.

She sighed heavily and sadly smiled at him before pulling him into a hug. "Am sorry Joongie. Don't mind what we were talking about. It was just a small disagreement. You know how Dad is, it was nothing you should worry about. Go have fun with your friends." She said, letting him go as she pointed to his friends who stood still at the doorway watching from afar.

"But you just got here. Can't we just hang out today?" He pleaded with her. "I haven't seen you in a long time and I miss you."

She looked at him empathetically, tacking a loose hair behind his ear and softly caressing his cheek. "Next time. I pinky promise." She lifted her pinky finger to seal the deal, just like they did when they were younger.

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