6부: Time's UP!!

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"Hwa! Hwa! Hey, wake up. The stylist is about to come."

Seonghwa felt drained when he woke up to his boyfriend calling out for him. He was still tired from crying much earlier and his whole body ached but at least his headache had gone and he was sure he could go through the next few hours before his body gave up on him. He was thankful to whatever gods were out there that he had not got a fever but nevertheless, he was still exhausted.

"What time is it?" Seonghwa asked rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"It's currently 4 pm, so get moving we don't have that much time," Hyun said as he exited their shared bedroom.

' Why did I even agree to go to this stupid event?!' Seonghwa cussed as he roughly ruffled his hair and walked towards the bathroom. He really needed a hot shower to wash away all the past day's stresses and hopefully make it out of the event in one piece.


Seonghwa looked at himself in the mirror. He looked stunning if he didn't say so himself. He was dressed in an all-black suit which he was thankful was not too showy because he didn't want any unnecessary attention despite being a pretty famous model, himself. The blazer was a crop top that stopped slightly above his midsection exposing just the right amount to make him comfortable and not seem too provocative in Hyun's eyes. It was nicely paired with matching high-waisted dress pants that showcased just how tiny his waist actually was. He loved that the stylist had given him simple jewellery that complimented his outfit well but he was still worried about what Hyun would say about the outfit. Seonghwa would usually need approval from Hyun on what he would wear to these kinds of events. Seonghwa really wished that Hyun would not find an issue with the outfit because he really loved the outfit and really hoped he could wear it.

"Are you ready?! We should really get going." Hyun asked as he entered the bedroom.

"Wow! You look just stunning." Hyun praised as he wrapped his hands around Seonghwa's waist, still staring at him through the mirror.

"Thank you," Seonghwa said with a small smile, maybe he really might wear the outfit.

"But don't you think it's a bit revealing?" Hyun remarked as he planted soft kisses on the base of his neck to his collarbone. Seonghwa held his breath.

"I-I don't think so," Seonghwa voiced paying no mind to Hyun who was having his way with his neck, "Plus this is from a sponsor at Dad's company. I couldn't possibly turn this down."

"Doesn't mean I like it." Hyun rolled his eyes, still eyeing seonghwa in the mirror his grasp on his waist tightening.

"H-hyun y-you're hurting me." seonghwa winced from the arms wrapped around his waist.

"Just make sure not to attract a lot of attention. You belong to me and only me, you understand?" Hyun alluded as he turned Seonghwa to now face him, "You do know the consequences if you disobey."

"I-I promise," Seonghwa muttered as a pit formed in his stomach at the mere mention of it.

"Now come on," Hyun called as he let go of Seonghwa and looked down at his wristwatch. "Will be late if we have to stay any longer."


At this point in time, Seonghwa just wanted to go home. They had been there for a good three hours now and he was fed up with it all. He was tired of plastering a fake smile and greeting people his boyfriend introduced to him. He was tired of being pretty. He was just done with everything and even worse he couldn't see his father though he was sure he was there because people kept saying they had seen him that evening and kept talking to him about their company.

Tɪʟʟ Dᴇᴀᴛʜ Dᴏ Us Pᴀʀᴛ ❤︎ ~Seongjoong~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن