2 부: A Decision to regret

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Seonghwa woke up, looking to the previously empty bedside to see a heavily drooling Hyun asleep next to him. Confirming he indeed, came home last night, he turned to the bedside desk to check the time.

7:15 am
' Should I go back to sleep or just wake up?'

Choosing the latter, he decided to wake up, he knew, once he woke up, it will be hard for him to go back to sleep. He takes a quick shower and starts preparing a small breakfast for the both of them. 'Should I make pancakes today ' He started getting all the ingredients he needed for his cooking and started playing his favourite songs, he was having a surprisingly good morning until a voice suddenly called out."Morning!"

"You're finally up!" Seonghwa said turning his focus back to the pancakes after glancing over to the older who had entered the kitchen. "Where did you go after I left for work?"

"Oh, the boys wanted to have a small get-together so we went to Junwo's place. You don't need to worry about it."

"Okay, I guess. But what time did you come back?" Seonghwa didn't know what time his boyfriend came back home and he was curious about the other's whereabouts.

"Around 3 am, I guess. I didn't bother to look at the time." He shrugged picking up an apple. Seonghwa just nodded not feeling the need to talk about still not satisfied with the answer but decided to drop the topic.

"I don't think I told you about the party this weekend!" Hyun nonchalantly mentioned.

"What party?" Seonghwa asked as he made his way to the island to set the table for breakfast.

"My father is holding a party for the 40th anniversary of the company."

"When is it?"

"This Saturday. Sound good to you?"

Seonghwa quickly went through his mental schedule. "I am free in the evening, so I think I'll be there."

"Of course, you have to be there," Hyun said while standing up from the island. "Anyway what are you going to do today since it's your off day?"

"Probably head to my dad's office then go to Wooyoung's place?"

"Fine but don't stay out for too long. Am going back to bed," He said going back to the bedroom.

Seonghwa sighed and continued to do what he was doing increasing the volume of the music to lessen his already boring and still slow morning.

* * *

"This way, Mr Park. Your father is waiting for you."

"Thank you, Ms Kim." He said heading inside his father's office. He stopped at the door. His father's office has always been a daunting place to him even as a kid. Not that his father was mean or anything. It was just an intimidating place to him even as a kid. He gulped and pushed the door open.

Seonghwa smiled when he saw the old man standing up to greet his son. "Oh Seonghwa, you are finally here."

"So, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." The man said whilst hugging his son.

"Still the same as always" He responded leaning into the hug.

"How have you and Hyun been?" He asked sitting back in his chair. "I heard he recently went aboard, is he back yet?"

"Yeah, he came back yesterday afternoon. Anyway, why did you call me in today?" Seonghwa was confused why his Dad had called him so suddenly. I mean they regularly talked but he was rarely called into his office.

"Oh, yes! Hyun's father is holding a party this weekend, you will be present right?"

"yes?"seonghwa responded with a puzzled look on his face.
'Why would dad be asking?'

Tɪʟʟ Dᴇᴀᴛʜ Dᴏ Us Pᴀʀᴛ ❤︎ ~Seongjoong~Where stories live. Discover now