Chapter 2 The New Threat Arrives

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A/N: Just gonna really quick mention a few things before the chapter. This story takes place right before the T.O.P. So Goku doesn't have UI yet, and there will be T.O.P. Chapters. In which Tsuna will Be Fighting For Universe 7. Anyway, Alex does Get a Wish from The Dragon Balls This Chapter, and I'm gonna let you all choose what Wish will be granted to him. He does get three wishes but he gets one big wish that changes his life. So these are the choices you get for that specific wish.

A. To Become A Sayian.

B. To Become A Namekian (He will Get The Same Power Ups As Piccolo so Orange Namekian and you know the Others)

C. To Become The Legendary Super Sayian (Basically Becoming A Second Broly)

D. Become Immortal (He will still die from old age, just not diseases, combat, or outside sources, other than catastrophic events)

Now the reason I'm making these the big wishes is because, I don't want Alex to be useless like the other Earthlings, he will become a prominent Z-Fighter and help the others with big fights.

Anyway on with the story.

It's been a few days and now, April 7th is Alex's Birthday. It also just so happens to be when The New Threat Arrives.

In the Spaceship.

Cryo is currently sitting in his hover chair in his first form (Think Frieza's First Form But Cryo's Colors).

Cryo: Tsuna. Which Planet do you want to conquer first?

The Emperor asked his daughter.

Tsuna: I want to take over... that one, the green and blue planet.

Cryo looks at the information on the planet she just pointed at.

Cryo: The Planet is called Earth... Average Power Level: 5 Strongest Power Level: 100 Trillion?! For an average of 5 Power Level, this worlds strongest fighter is nearly as strong as me?!

Cryo exclaimed surprised.

Tsuna: So? That's just one person. I can take out the planet on my own. My Super Sayian 3 should be enough to kill everyone on that stupid planet.

She said cockily, her father cackled at his daughters confidence.

Cryo: You're right. Just make sure to, show the strongest earthling who's boss.

Tsuna only nods. As she walks off to a space pod.

Meanwhile on Earth Alex just got out of school. He was ecstatic, like a kid who just got his first piece of candy. He was finally gonna start training with the Z-Fighters. He was running to Capsule Corps. Granted, he's a hell of a while away from West City. He can't fly, and his heart isn't pure hearted so he can't ride on the nimbus. So he just straight up ran for miles, that's how excited he was.

He was about 20 miles off of West City, when a meteor landed about 24 Feet away from him.

The male letting his curiosity get the best of him walked towards it. It seemed to be some kind of pod.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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