Chapter 23 - Return to Stohess

Start from the beginning

"Sorry about this Arm-.".

"Why are you doing this Y/N!? Why did you bring me all the way out here!?" Armin looked enraged for the first time I'd seen and the way he looked at me had completely changed. 

"I only really have two reason. I need your odm gear and you knowledge." I stared him directly in the eyes. "The first one I don't specifically need you for, but the second is much more important." 

"Get to the point Y/N, what do you really want from me?" 

"You to tell me where Annie is in the interior. That's all."

"Why me? You could've picked any of the other scouts that came along with Eren. Why was I picked?" 

"Because I know you Armin, you're smart enough to realize what I'm thinking, or at least that's what I'm betting on. I'm not your enemy Armin. When I first came here I was passionate about the scouts, about being apart of something greater. But then I remembered everything, my past outside the walls, I connected the dots through gaps in my memory that came back one by one, and everything started to make sense. I wasn't lying when I said I lost all my memories. I truly didn't know who I was until the expedition. . . and I didn't know about Reiner, Bertholdt, or Annie. I knew that there were spies here, like the rest of you. But not who they were." I sighed looking up at the sky. "I tried so hard to escape them but I ended up becoming one of their pieces on a board." 

"What do you mean by 'past outside the walls,' or 'escape them,' What is 'them'? What is outside the walls?"  

"I can't tell you that Armin. . . unless you do something for me. I want to be done with the traitors here. Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie. But for some reason I just. . . just can't let go of her like that. I need you to tell me where Annie is inside of Stohess. I need you to lead me to her and I need to talk to her. After that, I'll decide whether or not going back to the scouts is the right choice or not." I paused looking back at Armin. 

"So it's ultimately your choice Armin. You can help me and risk all of it being a lie and I don't give you what you are after, or refuse to tell me anything and I'll just take your odm gear and kill you right here." Armin looked down seemingly contemplating the proposal. "All I need you to do is to tell me where she is, and in return I'll give you the secrets of the world."

"What will you do when you get to her?" 

"I'll talk to her."

"About what?"

"About her. Why she came here and why she even got to know me if she was a traitor."

"And what after that?"

"If I decide it's the right choice. . . I'll break her out."

"Why? I don't understand? You already said you didn't know anything about them. What's the point in talking to her? One of the traitors that used you."

"Because I had no one else Armin. She was the first person to give me a chance. I want to at least hear her reason. You didn't know her like I did, she was everything to me. I can't just get rid of her like that." 

An eerie silence ensued, neither of us having anything left to say or ask. And Armin hadn't come to a consensus yet. Finally Armin rose his head ready to give me his verdict.

"I won't tell you where Annie is being held." 

I sighed re-entering my Titan and holding Armin out in front of me. I brought my hand closer and closer to him watching as he closed his eyes and recoiled in fear. I took off his gear with my hand and clutched it in my palm getting up running to the exit of the forest to leave. 'Your life isn't worth something as trivial as her location, that'd make me no better than them. I'll do it myself if I have to.' He looked shocked as I ran towards the entrance of the forest without harming him. Maybe he realized something because he offered me a different deal instead.

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