Forced Family Time is Still Family Time After-All

Start from the beginning

I guess it was true. I was letting my feelings get in the way of what was important because to me, family is important. I would regret it if I let my job distract me, so maybe it was good for me to try to spend time with them while they were here. I still didn't think it was right for how they kicked me out of the room, in fact, it still made me somewhat upset to think about it, but their reasoning wasn't completely wrong.

We made our way back to the Workshop sometime later. We walked in to find Grandpa Cormac showing Charlie his "wheelie" trick by tipping his wheelchair back and spinning in circles or moving around the room.

"Cormac Collins! I told you not to do that, yer going to break your back!" My grandma ran in as soon as she caught sight of this, causing me to laugh. In this crazy chaotic life that I was now living, some things always stayed the same.

"Darn it Esme, I'm just showing the boy me ol' wheelie trick. Why are ya being such a bump on a log!" My grandpa frowned as soon as his wife ran over and forced the front wheels back on the ground.

"Did you have a good time hanging out with my grandparents, Charlie?" I asked quietly, as to not interrupt their petty bickering.

"Yeah, your grandpa is cool! He showed me how he makes toys from wood and he showed me cool tricks in his wheelchair!"

"Oh Angie!" My grandpa called over my grandmother's voice, "We also have a present for you," He came up to me and handed me a small box. "Well, go ahead,"

Inside the box was a small golden locket. It had an "E" engraved on one side, with leaves wrapping around it.

"It was yer mothers," My grandma smiled, "We always wanted to give it to you, but knew we should wait until you were older."

Inside the locket was two pictures. One was a picture of both my parents, still obviously young teenagers. My dad was rocking his mullet and my mom had long waist-length hair with flowers throughout. On the other side was a picture of my grandparents, much younger, with my mom in between them as a young child.

"Oh wow," I smiled softly, "Thank you," I hugged them both tight.

My Grandma Esme put it on for me. "There, now you really look like Elsie." She smiled, a bit sadly, remembering her again, but it quickly turned into a warmer expression. "She always wore that locket, practically was glued to her, it was."

Charlie came over, trying to look over my shoulder at the picture in the necklace, so I ducked down and showed him what it looked like inside.

"That's Dad??" Charlie gasped, before beginning to laugh. "His hair looks so funny."

"That's what I always said!" My grandpa agreed with Charlie.

"Angie, that's what your Mom looks like?" He asked quietly, as to not gain the attention of my grandparents. "She looks like she should be your sister here," He said, pointing to her standing next to Dad.

It was nice to spend time with them all together, despite Charlie not "technically" being related to them. I was glad that they got along with him, and as sad as it made me feel deep down, it was cute seeing them interact with him the same way they would with me at that age.

After we all said goodnight, I began making my way down the halls to my room. I hesitated in front of Bernard's office door, wondering if I should go in and talk to him or not. After a small internal fight with myself, I softly knocked on the door.

"Bernard?" I called quietly, peeking my head around the tall door. There wasn't any answer, but I heard the sound of the fireplace going, which meant that he must have been in there recently. I invited myself in, planning on sitting on one of the chairs until he got back.

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now