What love?!

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A/N: A new Bakudeku thanks to my lovely co-authors That_One-Asshole thanks for working with me to bring out a new story for all the bakudeku shippers like yourself XP

Bakugo's POV:

Me: Deku.... Deku! I swear to the heavens if you don't wake up...

Izuku: WHAT?! Do you even know how early it is?!

I pinched his nose and laughed as he tried to get me to let go.

Izuku: Get off me! I am your prince and you know that!

Me: You're a child, and your mother wants to have a meeting with you in the throne room... She said it's about your future.

Izuku: Still your prince and you are a guard. My personal guard... as such you should know your place. Now stop it. You know how much I hate this.

Me: Whatever nerd, just get dressed. The queen will have my head if you're late.

Izuku: I will but you forgot something, Dandelion.

I glared at him as he wiggled his eyebrow at me. Begrudgingly, I got closer and stared down at him.

Izuku: Where is my little morning kiss from you? I mean come on. You wake me up like that and don't give your boyfriend a kiss? You are quite mean.

My face got red and I leaned down and being the little shit I am, kissed his forehead and pulled away his covers, letting the cold morning air reach him.

Izuku: Meany.

Me: There, you have your kiss, now get up. I love my job.

Izuku got up and moved around quickly, trying to get warm. He even took a bath, when he was finished, we exited his room and walked down the hallway then up the stairs that led to the throne room, the queen was waiting in. The guests was with her, and weirdly enough all staff in the castle was there as well. Izuku and I bowed as we reached near the throne.

Izuku: Greetings my queen mother. May the sun always shine upon you.

Me: Your Majesty.

Inko: Thank you my dear. Greetings Katsuki darling, you may join the other guards.

I did as told and watched with pure nervousness as the queen's guests whispered to each other.

Izuku: Why did you call me this early, mother?

Inko: Izuku, you are the future heir to my throne... And you know I am proud of you my son.

Izuku: I know that mother and the land can be honored to have such a great queen as yourself as well mother.

Inko: I know I said I will wait for you to choose a king or queen of your choosing but somethings have come up...

Izuku: What could that be mother?

Inko: A proposal from long ago, it can't be changed.

Izuku: How come I never head of anything like this?

Inko: It was the king, he made a deal without my knowledge... it put you in an arranged marriage with this princess.

Izuku: Is there a way to back away from this? Which kingdom are we even talking about?

Inko: I don't know myself but it's a kingdom more powerful than our own, so it can't be paid off.

Izuku: That is concerning...

What the fuck?! This can't be happening. Inko knows Izuku didn't want to marry a random person, her husband as well, but that asshole was missing, he has been for the past 8 years.

Inko: I've brought you here to introduce you to the princess you've been betrothed to... Princess Hana

Bitch: Hello my prince.

Izuku gave her a tight smile, completely ignoring the blush on her face.

Izuku: Greetings Princess.... May I invite you to some tea while we can talk things over?

Bitch: Of course your highness, I would love to.

Izuku: Mother, do you mind if I excuse myself now?

Inko: Of course Izuku, remember to take Katsuki with you.

Izuku: No need for this. I am sure the princess would like it if we would be alone. I can show her around as well. Mother, I will try my best for our kingdom.

I suppressed the growl that was making its way up my throat. Izuku walked a respectable distance away from the princess as Inko waved him off. When the door closed behind the two and all the staff was gone the queen turned to me.

Inko: Keep an eye on them Katsuki, I don't trust that girl.

I nodded and bowed before turning around and exiting the room, following the disgustingly fake giggles that definitely came from that bitch.

Who does he think he is?!

He's the one who's a walking trouble magnet..

Me(mockingly): No need for this mother, I'll just show around my new girlfriend the very places I FUCKED my personal guard.*whispered*

I hid behind the wall and saw the princess leaning too close to Deku who was trying to have space between the two

Bitch: Oh come on my prince we are bethrothed after all.

Izuku: I would like it, that we would talk before anything else. We may both come to an agreement after all.

Bitch: I'm listening my prince.

I resisted the urge to poke her eyes out with my sword, only i can look at Deku like that.

Izuku: I wanted to know if there is someone in your eyes that you like, princess? You see there is this person I really like and I wanted to know if you had the same feelings like I do for a certain someone in your heart.

Bitch: Don't worry about me, all the others were just play things.

Izuku: Pardon?

I saw her reaching to hold Izuku, he stiffened up and started getting pale as she leaned closer. I decided to have mercy on Izuku and speak up.

Izuku: I am sorry princess but there seems to be a misunderstanding here.


Well atleast you remembered I exist.

Izuku: I already have another person which is not you, princess in my heart. I do not wish to go through with this engagement and hoped that we could talk things out since it would be quite complicated and a sad future for yourself to have a husband which does not love you nor care for you.

Bitch: Oh? Well she doesn't have to know.

Who does she think she is?!

Me: Ehm, my prince.

Izuku: Not now.

I kept a straight face, I can see the nervousness. Good, he knew I was mad.

Me: A word.

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