Chp 8

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My eyes fluttered open, being met with five different pairs of eyes staring at me. Sunlight filtered through the trees, making me wish I'd kept my eyes closed, while I recalled what happened.
"I think I've had enough flying to last me a lifetime." I muttered, patting my hands on my pants and standing.
"That would be kind of hard, seeing as how you're a dragon keeper, with a very rare dragon at that." Jasper noted, coming closer and helping me stand.

Sophia came forward with the book Jasper had been carrying earlier, Pandora sat perched on a tree branch, King was laying in the grass, soaking up the sun and Kaida stood off to the side, her eyes downcast.
"Kaida here is a Carian Knight dragon. They're said to be highly territorial and protective, but I mean since there's only a few hundred of them left, they kinda have to be.
No one's seen a Carian Knight in centuries, but supposedly they keep outsiders away from the walls, hence the name 'Carian Knight'. To be able to be this close to one of the most elusive dragons on the planet is a .000000000001 percent opportunity." Sophia grinned ecstatically, setting the book in my lap.

"You expect me to read this?" I questioned incredulously, my mouth agape.
"Close your mouth, you'll attract ladyflies. But yes, I do. This is all the information anyone has ever put together about Carian Knights. You need to learn as much as possible."
"This is ridiculous."
"Not really. Every keeper has to do extensive research on their animal to ensure the animals safety."
"Yeah, well, when dragons weren't even a thing just two days ago, it is pretty ridiculous."

"Whatever, just read it." She turned to Jasper.
"We should go to the tree house."
"How are we supposed to? Kaida won't fit and she'll have nowhere to hide."
"She can stay in the woods behind the park."
"Yeah, because she'll totally let the keeper she was supposed to have met the moment she left the nest out of her sight after she just fainted." Jasper remarked sarcastically, helping me stand.

"In my defense I ran out of oxygen." I defended weakly.
"Sorry keeper." Kaida muttered, her eyes still downcast. I sighed and made my way over, setting a hand on her head.
"It was an accident, plus I loved the view so it was worth it."
"I'm serious. Don't worry about it." I sighed heavily again and rubbed my temples.
"I'll just stay out here with Kaida. You guys can go back to the treehouse."

"We're not just going to leave you out here." Jasper snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.
"we're not?" Sophia asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"I've got Kaida, I'll be alright." I argued, gesturing to my dragon who straightened and flared her wings.
"I refuse to risk it." He hissed, giving me a pointed look.
"Well, it's a good thing you don't control me then huh?"

"As fun as this is, I'd like to go home. Don't freeze Kendra." Sophia called as she trotted away, her hair bouncing softly against her back.
"Not helping!" I yelled back, rolling my eyes.
"Kaida can wait outside the fence while you stay in the treehouse."
"We both know she won't let me out of her sight for very long."

"Jasper, I'll be fine. I'll be right outside the fence and Kaida will keep me safe and warm. If you want I'll even let king stay with us."
"Fine, but I expect to be the first to know if anything goes wrong."
"Nothing will go wrong, oh my goodness. Shoo." He rolled his eyes but obliged, walking after Sophia.

"C'mon guys, let's fine a place to sleep." I mumbled, heading in the same direction Jasper had gone to find a cave near the fence. King walked alongside me, occasionally rubbing his big head against my hand and earning a growl from Kaida. I ignored it for the most part, my mind too busy to make much of it.
We walked until darkness filled the sky and I finally found a cave suitable for the three of us. It was large, enough room for three Kaida's to lay down comfortably together, and dark. King -who had gathered sticks in his mouth as we walked- set the stick downs in a pile and stepped away, allowing Kaida to set it aflame.

My eyes widened in surprise, though I'm not sure why, she is a dragon, and I plopped down next to it, watching the flames dance intimately with each other. Kaida laid down to my left and King to my right, both of them glancing out the cave opening every few minutes.
"How am I supposed to be a keeper? I barely know what that means, I could barely take care of my goldfish when I was eight, and even then it ended up dying shortly after we got it. How am I supposed to care for a dragon?" I muttered, running my fingers through Kings silky coat.
"The book could help, plus I don't really need caring for. It's mostly companionship and protection."
"Yeah, because I'll be able to protect you from anything bigger than a fly."

I grabbed the book I guess she'd been carrying and flipped it open to the first page, glimpsing through it. After finding information about Eagle, tiger, snake, wolf, otter and bear keepers I was ready to give up. My eyelids were heavy and my stomach was practically empty, the constant growling of it was distracting.
"One more, and then I'm going to sleep." I told myself, turning the page.

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